Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Pregnancy Blues

Ever since my last entry, my physical and mental condition kinda got worse. I was becoming more immobile, such that getting off bed itself was an uphill task, not to mention catching a movie. I was so depressed that I weeped on sat night. The thought that there's another 24 days left is dreadful n I shudder to think how I can cope doing some of the daily things when it seems harder by the days. My sleepless nights were back n my swollen feet got worse, such that they hurt even before walking. The thought that I'm finishing my wk soon also scares me. What am I gonna do after tue? Coop at home for the whole day for Next 24 days? That will simply trigger another set of problems on its own. 

Uncle Pig says to count each single day as it goes, and not think so much abt it. I'm trying. And sometimes trying aren't enough. I hate it when everyone has to serve me, that I can't seem to do anything useful nowadays. I wonder why is it so easy for so many twins-mummy to go thru they their pregnancy but it is such a trying journey for me.

Haiz.. Complain complain n more complains.. Before this become a super whining entry, I better stop. Trying to b positive, so that Uncle Pig will not worry abt me, and trying to count each happy thing as a blessing. Moreover the longer the girls stay inside me, the better gd it is for them too.

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