Tuesday, March 13, 2012

An unfortunate incident

Today something unhappy happened. It's disturbing that I don't even know how to start this entry.. Haiz.. 

It started a few days ago when someone commented that there were some malicious comments made on FB by this person abt the mgmt and asked if I was aware.. I was not aware obviously coz I had blocked her from my FB a long time ago bcoz she was constantly complaining abt this n that.. N I juz didn't wanna be caught in that sticky situation of judging her or being affected by her comments.

Anyway, when I was showed the current comments, it was indeed fierce n malicious n targeted at the mgmt. I didn't wanna speculate n did not report to anyone since I figured that not many pple had access to her wall anyway. This was when I was totally wrong. Coz in the next few days, several advisers texted me n asked me wats with it? And this was when I felt I could no longer pretend nothing has happened. If it is a misunderstanding, then it shldnt b firstly aired on FB n secondly it shld b clarified before the thing blows up entirely. 

I told the mgmt abt it n after clarifications, they said it was a small misunderstanding n nothing of such had happened. Although I felt weird that if it was a misunderstanding then the comments shld b removed n such incidences such nv b repeated. But today, another colleague asked me the same thing again n I realized that not only was the comments not removed, there were additional ones! 
I know I shldnt let such things affect me. My intention was nv to bad mouth them but to make sure that whatever happened within mgmt shld remain there n not spread to the common ground leading to people taking sides, esp if it was only a misunderstanding to start w. 

What is more disheartening is that this act was by a Christian couple friend that I know.. I asked God why? Why did things have to be so ugly ? Why do Christians have to do such things? Or God have I done wrong by doing my act too ?A thousand qn but no answers. Like if it was a pure misunderstanding, then y are there sequels to it? Why did they spread such comments on one side n yet ... ? 

God says to be slow in anger and to treat yr neighbour like you. And I'm not angry abt it, although its disappointing? I start to ask if I had failed to c things fr their pt of view since there's always two sides to a coin. I just pray that God you solve this situation, that You give this couple healing, that they overcome the bitterness, that they come out of it a better person. Most importantly God I pray that You give me peace, that You help me forget this whole entire episode, I pray that you salvage the situation and that all it turns out is juz a small misunderstanding .. I pray for forgiveness n peace for all of us, in Jesus name I pray, amen

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