Monday, March 19, 2012

My Man @ Work

@ 9pm on a Saturday night, my uncle pig decided to start painting the house! Yes, after spending 3 days at a staycation n coming back totally exhausted, he decided that his birthday is over n it's time to get things started.

I wished I could help him but knowing him, he prefers doing it all, his way, his style n at his timing. I have nothing against painting at night, esp since I've gotten a serious flu over the past few days. So seriously, I can't smell a thing! But juz 心疼him that he has so many things to do, at so little time and there's nothing much I can do to help. And truth be told, I do enjoy seeing my man at wk. yes, not the sadist kind, but juz seeing him putting every ounce of his mind n energy n doing something serious, makes him so charming. I juz hope that the painting job will not drag pass midnight so that he have enough time to zzz. We do have a packed schedule every Sunday, plus the fact that I'm still down with flu, means that he has to be the mom and dad of joy, and everything else imaginable.

Looking at him busy bringing joy for swims n rides at the staycation juz makes me ultra guilty also that I'm so useless n unable to help him. Esp when the purpose of the staycation was to celebrate his bday, but I think it ended w him being more "on-duty" and tiring. I'm so blessed that I didn't hv to do a lot of things I don't enjoy doing coz he's here helping. I really shld treat this man much better than I do now. :p

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