Monday, January 2, 2012

RD - Day 3 Updates

It's day 3 since my operation on Saturday , and based on the review by the doc y'day, he says I'm okie to fly.. serious? Really? Yesh yesh, can fly to HK.. but of course we have to do a final review on Wednesday, before we can really confirm it. Anyway, I told Uncle Pig that I'm not comfortable flying coz of all the risks involved and much as I really yearn for a trip to relax, before the twins are here. But if the trip entails more of care-taking and less of enjoyment, then we shall stay at home bah.. it's a pity course, we've paid for all the tickets, accomodations and such, and mostly are non-refundable.. but I guess, we can always go another time. :)

Anyway, I was glad to make the decision not to go y'day, coz I woke up feeling very bad today. I dont know why it's the case because, by right, shouldn't I be recovering and feeling better as the ay passes? But instead of feeling as good as y'day, I felt worse today. My eyes were swollen, and opening them was not something easy. I'm closing my eyes while typing this blog! Haha.. but that's bcoz i'm using a keyboard, so it's much easier.. Anyway, my migraine is back and I'm also wondering if it's connected to the eye.. nevertheless, pls continue to pray for me.. and once again, thank you for all yr prayers!

I guess, this journey, sometimes resembles our Christian walklife when at times, you feel that you are moving ahead at full speed, but sometimes, God just wants you to rest and stop, and seek Him. We meet obstacles here and there, but we have ot remember that God's with us all throughout, and I know He's with us now. It can only be him, that I healed so fast for the first 2 days and I'm completely thankful for that. I just have to continue to pray for his healing powers on me, so that by wed, I can say byes to the eye patch and give a good testimonial on wed cell grp!

Okie, think that's for now..

p/s: will be pretty slow in replying msgs coz I can't really read the small words on my hp..

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