Friday, January 20, 2012

It's pink, Pink & PINK!

Today @ 22 weeks, we went for our detailed scan @ NUH. The scan was to cover basic things like the features of the twins n to check for structural defects like cleft lip, heart murmur n such. It took quite some time as I'm having twins, so the space inside me is kinda limited to squeeze two n hv a decent scan. 

Anyway, the conclusion of the scan is both babies look fine, with no structural anomalies. And yes, we are having 2 more girls in the family. I was pretty delighted during the scan to know this, even though I was a tiny disappointed at the 18th week scan. But during this scan, I was simply satisfied, that God has given me two princesses to take care, to love and im happy with it. =p

My weight, their weight & our weight:
The twins are approximately at 500grams each, which is similar to the size of a singleton and the gynae was happy with it. Even though this means tat I've gained the most for a one mth period so far - 3 kg this mth & 4.5 kg since being pregnant. But as long as the girls are healthy, it's fine. 

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