Wednesday, January 4, 2012

RD - Day 4

Just went I thought I was almost recovering, I woke up early this morning and realised tat my eye patch was overflowed with discharge. I mix have accidentally scratched myself while sleeping. Oh my God! How could I be so careless?

The rest of the day became quite hectic as I had to change my eye patch almost every 1-2hrs. (imagine having period , but on yr eye). By evening, my face was red, bcoz of the constant peeling and sticking of new adhesive patches. We had switched to private thin eye patches as compared to the ones given by SNEC which were thick, not nice and messy (imagine using toilet paper vs thin panty liners)

But by evening the thin patches were giving me problems coz they can't adsorb the huge flow n the constant peeling was hurting my face. So I switched back to what the hospital provided . Anyway there was only one piece left, which I hope can last till the next day before I go for my review.

However, by 1045pm, the conventional one was soaking wet and was pretty uncomfortable. (imagine wearing a goggle but filled with water) and uncle pig suggested going to the pharmacy or neighborhood to look for more supplies. He suggested me to zz first if i was tired, which I did.. Kinda half waiting n half zz-ing. After a while, I did fall into deep zz and when I woke up suddenly, I realise tat he's not back yet! My first reaction was to call him , in my half zz mode. He answered, (chirpy mode) saying " I'm at SGH now, and if I can't find it here,I will come bk" . I replied okie and hung up. After hanging up, did I realize tat the time was already 125am!! Omg! How long has my man gone out? Poor darling! 2.5hrs!! Oh dear! I called him immediately n asked him to come bk, irregardless if SGH was available.

My heart ached for this man, who has been running ard for the family, rain or shine, 24/7. I know he's especially tired, with the shifting of his office, my eyes, and everything n it pains me to c him running around at 1am juz to find pads for his Queen! I know he loves me, and never will I doubt him again. Heartache and glad tat he's finally back home safely.

Hopefully the review would provide some answers on the heavy discharge. Have decided to include a pic of me in the eye patch that my hubby painstakingly went to find..  Thank you dear!

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