Monday, September 18, 2023

How much time do we have?


The realisation that we might not be together led to fear and emo. Like how I had taken for granted that we are young and we are going to be with each other til 七老八十. 

If I have only 2 days left on this earth, what would I be doing then? Would I still be scrolling my phone on FB / IG or watch those YouTube mukbangs? 🙊🙊🙊

Note to self: 
1) Be more mindful of my time. Not that there are any health scares etc but it is still a good reminder that I might not have all the time with this man, or with my parents and family. 
2) To cherish the times when we can still hug and have meaningful conversations together. To remind myself to set time together for dates, not simply 陪伴。to remind myself that all the msgs can wait til I reach home to reply. My time in the car is for him and solely him. (We used to have this rule of not using Hp while in the car, so that we can have conversations tog); to be more purposeful in our relationship. 

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