Monday, September 4, 2023

AHA moments

Following our recent trip to Mandai, it suddenly dawn on me that none of my kids enjoy any of the Mandai attractions. They simply go bcoz the twins didn’t know there is an opt out option while Joash is too young to decide otherwise. It’s just me, who wants to bring everyone there, because I was guilt tripping myself, for not doing enough. And in the midst of it, I tried to do these over stimulating excursions which not only exhuast myself bcoz of the heat and crowd, but also bcoz of their constant bickering in the car; at the attraction and the whole entire day. 

I asked the twins separately, if they could choose 1 activity to do for the weekend:
1) Mandai
2) kidztopia 
3) swim

And neither of them chose 1). Lol.. They say the truth will set you free. And it did. This realisation made me realize that there isn’t a need for me to prove to anyone or do anything, just so that I provide enough for my kids. No need. I love them and I shower them with hugs and love. We can have lotsa yummy food, chit chat and cafe hoppings. 

The other AHA moment happened when it suddenly dawn on me that instead of feeling bad for my kids having to share their love and time and toys with their siblings in almost everything, (yes in case, u are wondering. Many a times I feel so guilty that I have 4 kids and they have to learn to share love, time and limited resources) Yes, I realize that I shouldn’t be guilty! Coz living in a big family, comes with its own learning academy which isn’t always taught in sch or in smaller families. They learn how to divide satay sticks before we start eating so that everyone gets an equal share. And even if the number is not divisible, then who should get an extra share. They learn how to help the younger siblings to wear shoes or play with him while the parents get ready. It’s called RESPONSIBILITY and they learn it everyday at home. Be it when there are 4 kids or fewer kids at home. And these are life skills that will carry on with them even when both William and I aren’t around. 

Penning this down so that whenever i feel like an emotional wreck, I can refer to this 

In the car when Joash tried to fortune tell his cheh cheh .. hahaha

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