Thursday, September 28, 2023

Emotional warfare

My period came and that probably explains all the emotional turmoil I went thru the last few days. Decided that I should still go to the gym as planned. Packed and got ready. It was great to sweat it out, even though I was worried that it wasn’t droplets of perspiration oozing out.. hahahaha.. glad that I did it. Felt extremely proud of myself. Sense of relief that my period is finally here. Somehow my hormones have been acting up in recent mths and as much as I try my best to prevent it from happening, it’s hard. 

This mth, I felt so inadequate, and not doing enough. Felt that no matter how hard I tried, I was not good enough. Not good compared to xxx or yyy. (I know I shouldn’t look left or right, but compared to myself alone). But the hormones are playing tricks to my mind and just a week ago, I had believed them. 

That was then. 

Fast forward to now. Last night, while I was still in BKK, the word “contentment” whispered into my ears. Contentment - a state of happiness and satisfaction. The bible says 1 Timothy 6:6-12 But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that.

Not saying that I wouldn’t push myself. I will. But I want to remember to be contented with whatever the end results it brings, bcoz God is in control. He knows what I need, and what is required. Might not necessarily give me all that I asked for, but whatever He gives will be perfect for me. 

I’m sure I’ll forget all these in 3 weeks time when the hormones start stirring again. Penning this down so that I can use it for my warfare in time to come. 

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