Thursday, June 1, 2023

Change is uncomfortable

So glad it’s finally over. Hahahaa.. pat pat.. no matter how badly I did, or how uncomfortable it was, I’ve finally done it!

Treated myself to some cakes after the event. Was asked to do a short short (3mins) sharing in front of the whole agency. I died. Lol. Coz public speaking and me not friend. Actually speaking in general is exhuasting for me. 

I seriously can’t find a flattering pic of myself. But oh well, hopefully in weeks to come, I’ll look more and more like the me in the screen and not the one on stage…hahaha

I did wanna give up many many times. Like why did I need to step out of my comfort zone, to do something so challenging. After all, just speaking to my clients on its own is a walk in the park nowadays. But I chose to do this, bcoz I sincerely hope to help the next generation of advisers up their skills, so that they can be more confident in front of their clients. Or to provide support whenever they felt like quitting. 

An adviser that used to be under me many years ago, came to talk to me just now during the lunch. She is happy that I’m taking up a mgmt role, she felt that I’m more than ready and capable to take on this role. And coming from her, I’m so grateful and humbled. I can’t promise that I wouldn’t like the vulnerable/ emo / insecure me self doubt myself but I’ll try to do the best I can to take charge of my whole emotions. After all, this is the growth I had wanted, the change that I wanted to take on. Change is uncomfortable but it is the only thing that is constant. 

Angela gave me this today. So happy to receive this! Hahaha..she’s one person who have grown so much from a small PA to a capable FA and mother of 3. Someone who wears many hats but never gives herself enough credits.. I love you ya.. 

And not forgetting my small small circle of friends who always reassure me whenever I self doubt myself. 

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