Saturday, May 6, 2023

Day 6-7

He’s finally home! For which I’m thankful. 

Last night was bad coz Joash woke up at 430am again and both of us didn’t zzz until the helper woke up at 6. I tried all ways to make him zzz, but in the end, we just ate some strawberry Swiss roll from our dear Angela yiyi; had 1 banana and some milk. 

I went to nap at 6ish and I think Joash also went for a pram ride at abt 8. We both woke up at 830 and he was super super sticky. So I just brought him to do all my drop offs today. 

Dropped vera at amk at 9am; went to bishan to collect some stuff. 

Had some fun at the nearby playground while waiting
Boy refused to give up his seat when he was at my friend’s place! 

Went back to pick vera from her art class. Boy started to cry on the way there coz he accidentally dropped his chou chou. Continued to cry all the way from AMK till we reach Grace swim school. 

By lunchtime all of us were exhuasted. Had lunch, showered him and off he went for another pram ride. I wanted to take a nap but the girls kept asking a lot of questions or talking real loudly. Joash barely zzz on his pram ride and was awaken by his annoying sisters.. argh.. I know right!!

In the end he slept on my chest for 2 full hrs. Tired right.. why u don’t wanna zzz at nigh?

Anyway finally uncle pig arrived at our door step at 430pm. I’m glad. He took the girls to church and jaga the boy while I finally had some rest. 

Praying that now that Uncle pig is back, our little man wouldn’t wake up every night. When I was in Iceland , he simply slept thru the whole entire time other than the first night ! 

So glad that Tom is still a weekend so that I can catch up on my zzz. He says he’s bringing the kids out for bf.. pls go without me! Hahahah.. so glad this is over. I surprised myself by how much I did this week. There were days where time went pass in a blur and the severe sleep deprivation left to crazy eating. But there were good days where we really spend time tog with each kid. Just need to start focusing my time with grace coz I think she is often the neglected middle child. Don’t get any attention from parents coz she doesn’t need help academically; always hide in the room buried in her books etc. my goal this week is to spend some one on one time with her. 

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