Thursday, April 28, 2022


Really love how Meitu makes me so pretty.. hahaha.. thought I’ll just record this moment of time, when my lashes are still pretty. Just wanna enjoy this phrase of my life, enjoying things for me myself. Going for a nice lunch for myself before I go for my facial later. Thankful Thursday!

Waiting for my lunch to arrive and some me time before my facial appt. I had a hard time deciding between the set lunch or ala carte. As it is, I’m not one who likes to make decisions. Then the set is priced so affordably that it seems more worthwhile leh.. just that sadly there were more things I didn’t like on the set so I chose the latter. The menu is a little tad expensive for my comfort. The salad that I chose better be nice lo.. the choos need to cut down on food expenditure now that all the parties are over. I’m broke.. 🤣🤣🤣

The salad was nice, but probably for the same price,I would have a steak as the protein if it’s from Uncle Choo cafe.. hahaha.. I guess this is the price of eating out. 

Ended my lunch with a cup of local kopi.. lol.. 

Sunday, April 17, 2022


Finally something nice to remember for Easter (other than the GOOD NEWS) - we sold our HDB and signed the paperwork today! Woohoo.. 🎉🎉🎉

Felt so overwhelmed on Friday evening that led to insomnia. So I decided to pray to God that this Easter, may there be something wonderful that I would remember in years to come. (Coz each time I think of Easter, I think of the big quarrels with/among/over the girls) I prayed that if He is willing, then may the sale of our HDB would be a good and nice way to remember. And so it happened, just like that. And I just wanna give God all the glory and praise. That finally things are moving along. In His divine timing and plans. 

Friday, April 15, 2022

Feeling defeated

Not going to lie that I’m feeling defeated. Today has been a long day, and Joash last nap was at 330pm. I thought we would do an early dinner and then closing. It’s 830pm and he hasn’t zzz yet. Haiz…

Happy Easter

My long holiday started earlier than usual this week. In fact, it started on Tuesday night when J started to Merlion 5x middle of the night. Wash/clean him then carried and pacified him then he vomit at another spot again. Cycle repeats until all that he had for dinner and last milk feed was out. 

Went to PD on wed morning - stomach flu. Almost immediately after seeing our fav PD, he seems recharged and well again. So well that when we pick the twins up from sch, we even made the impulse decision to go down to the zoo to get our membership done as well as visit LELE. It was something we had promised to bring the twins. And since by then Joash was feeling okie, we went ahead. Anyway he was on the carrier la.. and the Jalan Jalan also help make him zzz too.. lol 

Everything felt normal by end of Wednesday night. I also reminded everyone to wash hands just in case. 

Does this boy looks sick to you? Hahahaha… enjoying my last baby .. so thankful that he came along , despite all the tears and sweat.

Thur morning - joy called me from sch. She vomited in sch and needed someone to pick her up. Pick the big baby up and brought her to the GP. I think the virus hit her a lot worse than for Joash coz she vomited many times. It pains me to see her suffer like that. But I guess it’s her body trying to remove the bacteria from her body ? Not too sure la..

Twins remain normal and well for now, for which I’m thankful.

Fri morning - William is down w fever. Not sure if it’s the pre symptoms of stomach flu coz both the other two babies also had that, or it’s just purely fatigue fever. I’m officially the last person holding the fort.. lol.. not taking any chances so I “shipped” the twins over to my mama’s place for the weekend. It’s better to keep them healthy there so that the sick can recover in peace at home. 

I feel like I’m on dialysis chair today. The boy has been super clingy to me, plus now that he’s sick, he’s double clingy. It’s been an hr since both of us are on the chair - it’s peace at home coz the sick  are sleeping; while the twins are at church. I’m trying to hold my pee while writing this. 

Easter has always been every eventful for the choos.. praying that they get well soon so that we can enjoy the little bit of what’s left of Easter.

P/S: coincidentally today is also our 22nd paktor anniversary.. time flies so fast

Friday, April 8, 2022

A day in the life of Mrsqueenchoo

Had a sweet surprise this morning when I pulled out some of the pre preg clothes. I can finally fit into some of them! Yeah!! Not all but some.

I’m still not there yet but I’m happy at my current size. Taking a one mth break from my cupping and clean eating coz I just wanna indulge in myself for this mth.. hahah..

Work has been slow for the last few weeks. And not going to deny that it does give me some fears. But at the same time, I’m enjoying my current pace of life. Slow, a lot of family ; a lot of couple time and exercises. I swim 4x a week and on every Wednesday, uncle pig and I will go for our long walks at MacRitchie, followed by our paktor lunch. So a typical day would b breakfast w the kids / William, followed by a swim. A work zoom probably during lunch time before we pick up the kids, lunch then they do some homework while I do another afternoon zoom before we head to the pool again at 4pm. Pick the baby at 5ish and we have our family dinner before I end the day with a 8pm zoom. 

Goofing around while I prepare for my afternoon zoom..

Decided to bring the baby along yday for the twins TKD class bcoz the house was in a mess.. hahah.. it did wreak his routine a little.. haha 

Life has been peaceful I guess. Am I worried that eventually the little zooms would turn to nothing. Yes this too. But I know most of the time, I feel at peace. Peace and grateful that I didn’t get crazy expenses such that I’ll be crying now; grateful that this season is for me to see my kids grow and be involved in their lives. 

A friend asked recently how I can just go travel w/0 bringing them along. My thoughts are this : “I rather be 100% with them half of the time, then be 50% present all the time.” There’s no right or wrong whichever way. The current me know that I need to take good care of myself before I have the energy and mental to love and care for my kids and family. And thus I need the occasional break/nap/trip away. That’s it. 

Currently trying to plan a getaway for 6, plus another trip for 3 of us.. it’s a lot easier to plan for the latter trip. Hahahah.. but we shall see..