Tuesday, September 14, 2021


 I’ve always loved wfh; enjoyed the zoom sessions and the convenience of just lazing at home.. until Joash came into the picture .. lol.. 

Then it became hard to draw the line between a working mom and a mom mom..I find it hard not to rescue a crying baby if I’m not in the midst of a zoom session even though I might still be working. 

So in the end, I told William last week that it was so exhausting; to work at home and still jaga baby.. there, honest facts. 

So starting this week, I’ll be working from Minton, make good use of the lease, and hopefully kickstart the momentum. 

He packed my lunch this morning for me. Little gestures like this filled my heart with love and gratitude. I’m touched. 

Thankful for him. There is no one else I would want as my life partner, besides him. 

Trying to kickstart my work. It’s not easy. Probably the toughest this time round. But I know my God is with me. He is with me every step of my life and He will guide me and protect us. 

Amen !

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