Sunday, September 19, 2021

My work and I

Financial planning starts early. While I was preparing for my case today, Vera came over and ask what exactly do I do for work. So I wanted to tell her exactly what I’m doing. Bcoz it’s a rare thing that they are curious. Below is our conversation:

Vera: “ Mama, what exactly do u do?”

Me: “Well baby, I’m a financial adviser and I help people plan their monies.”

Vera: “Dont they know how to plan their monies?”

Me: “Well, my job is to help them grow their monies so that they become bigger and bigger” 

Vera: “ You mean like putting it in the bank for them?” 

Me: I smile and decided to draw a simplified drawing of what I was planning for my client. 

Her eyes sparkled when she saw how monies would multiply with time and said she also want to get this.. hahaha.. but when she realize it means waiting for a good 20yrs, the usual objections come out liaoz..hahaha.. 

“20 yrs is a long time.”

“Why would I need the money then ?”

“Can we do a shorter term?”

I was so delighted when she ask all those questions.. hahaha..

I told her that well, I could consider her concerns and customise something for her tomorrow night because I would need time to prepare something suitable for her. 

When I first started this job, my trainer always says that if you can sell successfully to a child, you would be able to sell it to anyone. That’s why I used to present to Sharon, my kid sister, who’s abt Vera’s age now. It’s like déjà vu and reigniting my passion and why I feel that financial planning is an important aspect of life and why it’s so easily misunderstood. 

Looking forward to the little conversation with the kids tomorrow.

1 comment:

Ac said...

So cute! I have just been telling them i help people find money to pay off their hospital bills during emergency. Also planning to introduce renee to the concept of growing wealth later this year hahaha not many mummies can teach finances like us hor!