Monday, September 20, 2021

My slimming journey continues

Decided to kickstart my cupping sessions simply because I can no longer stand how obese I look and how much I’m gorging myself even after the delivery. 

Today is the first session and I pray that I have the determination to get rid of the calories that have so easily piled up during the pregnancy. True be told but the day before I deliver, I was 90.1 kg. Even after delivering a 3.4 kg before, placenta, water bag and other things, I’m still now 90.3kg. Not even breastfeeding helped to remove some calories. I think it made things worse coz fatigue made me eat crazy. I’ve tried to eat clean on my own, but it was always one step forward and two steps back. 

Not going to kid myself anymore that I can do it on my own. Decided to let the professionals do their job; I’ll try my best to eat clean in the midst of it and let God do the rest. Praying that God be with me in every step of this journey. It’s not just for beauty but for health,  God. I need to have the energy to carry Joash to play with him or be present for the kids in general. Steer me away from all the temptations. In Jesus name I pray, Amen!


Weight: 90.3kg

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