Monday, May 17, 2021

A heart of thankfulness

 心情: 晴天 ☀️

After 2 nights of good sleep, I woke up chirpy and eager to start the day. Not sure if my stance will remain the same when HBL starts... but for now, I’m glad the Govt came up with this measure in view of the many unlinked cases / clusters sprouting everywhere. 

The twins parent grp chat was buzzing with questions on how the exams would be settled coz by right they should have exams till Thursday. Poor Teachers, getting bombarded by them. To me, it didn’t really matter since it’s not even a national exam. And secondly, I told the girls that studying is for knowledge. So even if the exams are scrapped this time round, the knowledge/revision that we went thru is good to keep! 

Did some work this morning.. trying to enjoy the last 10 days of “baking”. William ask if I wanna go for my ctg today, I told him I didn’t feel like. I’m monitoring the kicks and that’s assuring enough. Too troublesome to crawl to Gleneagles and b there for 1hr plus then braved the jam/parking and crawl home.. 

Joy made this yday when I passed a remark saying that I’m craving for the brownies she made last week. Without hesitation, she baked a batch yesterday afternoon. I’m blessed. I see and acknowledged her subtle love ❤️ . I see a gradual change in her attitude towards baby J and I’m thankful for that. In fact, she has been holding the fort at home when we were in hospital, briefing the helper on what to cook and making sure that her sisters are well fed plus managing any fights etc. 

My heart is full with gratitude. And I just wanna enjoy this moment of bliss.. 

As for when the arrival of baby J etc, I’ve prayed over it and surrendered to God. He will help me settle it la.. haha.. if it really results in an emergency c sec, so be it. If we could wait til the stipulated date, good. But whatever it is, God is in control. He will know when’s the best timing. Baby J is God’s gift for us and I have to remember that. Don’t let the enemy throw doubts / fears. Just enjoy this moment of being pregnant, of not doing anything. Be present bcoz now is the moment. Now is the time to enjoy.. 

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