Monday, May 10, 2021

Made of water

These days, my tear ducts seem to be working in overdrive mode that even little little things would start me on a drizzle and slightly bigger things into a thunderstorm.. 

Like how it happened yday when william suddenly decided to ask his mom to stay for lunch and dinner in view of Mother’s Day. The initial plan was to celebrate Mother’s Day with her for lunch and send her home, before we go out for our own dinner as a family of 5. The logical me understood why he wanna do that and I’m fine with it. Really. I didn’t show a black face or was pissed with him. 

Abt 3plus, while everyone was enjoying their tv, I told william that I was sleepy and wanna go get a nap. But once I went into the room, my tear ducts went into overdrive mode and I just kept crying and crying .. omg .. something that I kept telling myself to stop. And even after grace came in, I couldn’t stop. She was concerned why I was crying and I had to tell her that I was having a headache. Like I know she’s in the room so all the more I should stop, but I can’t ! The tears kept going and going, until william got to know of it. And we weren’t even quarrelling over anything ! 

He didn’t say anything and gave me a hug. And send his mom home after the movie ended. I told him I’m fine and I understand why. I just needed time to process and stop my tears. But he says it’s fine. In the end, I cried to sleep with a blocked nose and only woke up after he came back. We went for dinner as per arranged. 

I hope that my emotions would come back after confinement. It does seem that the hormones are on overdrive this pregnancy. Even though the reasons for the  emotional me during T1 and now are entirely different. Now I don’t even know what’s happening.. omg 😱 

Anyway, I’ve decided to take a break and enjoy the rest of the time I have before the baby arrive. Not doing much work except admin or some little follow ups etc.. going to do exams prep with the twins. We went thru 1 set of exam papers for each subject thus far, and I know there’s a lot more revision that needs to be done. 

Hopefully, our relationship doesn’t end after mid terms.. lol.. 

went to gynae on sat. I’m officially week 36 and baby is estimated at 3kg. I would b full term by 15/5 and 17 days more to the scheduled c sec date, if baby is cooperative. 

I guess one can never be overly prepared for his arrival. But when it comes, I’m comforted that I have william by my side to go thru it all.  Thankful that baby is kicking well and active, even though it means sleep is an issue. 

Praying that the delivery will b smooth, the logistics would b fine, and the girls would welcome our family member.

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