Waiting for uncle to arrive with my toothbrush and ya kun breakfast, and settle the discharge paperwork. It’s been a long night.
Grace woke up with diarrhoea, the stomach flu virus probably moved from her stomach to her large/small intestines, her PD said. Thought I came in to see my gynae at the same time since both are at the same area. Especially since I noticed that there wasn’t much fetal movement since the wee hrs. I probably am paranoid. Coz baby J is usually quite active. I shook him several times in the morning and still there was no response.
A call to the gynae and he says to do a CTG at the labour ward just to b sure. Aiya..I actually just wanna c 2 doctors at the same day leh.. coz my scheduled gynae appt is the next day but I thought since I’m here liaoz might as well. Anyway even my PD also said the same thing , to do a CTG.

So here I was in labour ward, and still in good spirits. I know the CTG was for an hr, and if all’s good, I could leave this place with grace and uncle who are both camping at the lobby coz no kids allowed at labour ward.
My kid who is happily anchored and reading her books.
Once into the CTG, I could hear the baby heartbeat and was super relieved. Hahahaha... like okie good.. I’m just paranoid.

I was also given this to click each time baby kicked. The missy asked if I knew I was also having contractions?! I was like “what!?” Ermm.. no I didn’t know.. What’s the difference between the two ah ? Lol.. coz despite this being my nth pregnancy, I’ve been blessed to never experience contractions. Or mayb I had, I just didn’t know they were called contractions. Lol... felt like a first time mama..
So anyway, gynae prescribed some meds to stop contractions and I would have to b in for another hr, before I could go home. By this time, I told the lobby gang to go home first but grace refused. She wasn’t prepared to leave without me or the baby. Awwww...I told them it’s going to b another hr and they said it’s fine.. oh well..
2 hrs and 2 tablets later, the contractions didn’t seem to settle and gynae wanted to start me on a drip, which would b my new BFF for the whole night. 🤦♀️
I also had to order my lunch. Told the lobby gang to head home. No point waiting for me anymore.
The soup was awesome, laksa wasn’t spicy enough and yes, I was curious to know what’s the big hooha over the lobster meals at Gleneagles. (Over rated)
I actually was craving for the peach tarts at Delifrance.. begged the nurse to let me go down to grab one but no one entertained me.. lol.. it’s so near yet so far. Was tempted to order via Grab but it would have been so ridiculous to do so as well. Hahahaha.. but thankfully I still manage to have it at abt 5pm when uncle choo came over (after settling all the home errands/logistics/ settling the sick child)
My dinner.. brimming with happiness to see my hubby and finally someone to talk to instead of text to.. love the soup and chocolate cake but the steak was too well done for my liking.. lol..
Gynae came in abt 6pm and told me that I’m going to stay in for the night.. omg .. with the drip! Coz my contractions are still there and he really really hopes that we keep the baby in for another week or two despite that baby would cross 37 on 15/5..ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜
Told the gynae that I would much prefer to remove the drip, keep the contractions so that I could move up to a single ward instead of staying in the labour ward, esp since a noisy neighbour just checked in. (Sorry I sound bratty and spoilt- first world prob)
He nods his head and I showed him my 🥺 and he says to tahan for just 1 night. And he left. I didn’t understand why he was so insistent on baking for another week or two but william says he must have his reasons and we should just wait patiently. Which is so hard for me.
Drama happened shortly after the gynae left. Both william and I heard loud cries along the corridor. And the cries became louder and louder. It seems to come from my ward toilet! Omg what happened!? I peeked out from my bed curtain and noticed that the neighbour wasn’t at her bed. In fact, the housekeeping cleaned out her bed within the next hr.
I was in shock. The last I remembered was her gynae came to check on her, she was week 34 and also noticed little fetal movement since last night. I asked the nurse subsequently and she said that her gynae couldn’t detect baby heartbeat so most likely will do a delivery immediately and hope for the best.. 😞😞😞
My heart sank.. though I never saw the neighbour face at all.. only heard her .. it’s every parent worst nightmare.. to have to deliver a baby with no heartbeat. I personally have 2 clients who had to go thru the same thing, and thus, am fearful/paranoid throughout this pregnancy. I’m praying that a miracle will happen for this neighbour.
And for a moment I’m thankful that I came in early. I was paranoid and kiasi.
William left shortly and I did a zoom session with the girls. They were worried and I just wanted to check in on them.
Doesn’t joy look very much like me?
The “thing” that would follow me everywhere thru the night. Also mean that each time I needed to go toilet, I had to press the bell for assistance..
Thankfully I managed to catch some sleep and the gynae came at 7am..
I asked again if we could just do the c sec since it’s 37 but he says that if he had a choice, he would prefer to keep baby in there. I could be discharge by late morning and walk to his clinic for an ultrasound.
Our breakfast before discharge. I’m having ya kun while uncle is having hospital food.. hahahaha.. he must have been exhausted from all the errands etc.. it’s tough managing me and his girls and everything..
Got a shock when he showed me the bill..$2800.. I knew it wouldn’t be cheap bcoz it was all ala carte priced and the observation charges were based on hourly rates.. but it was still “mind blowing” when the bill came..
Need to come in to labour ward again tomorrow to monitor again. But for now, I’m thankful that all is fine. Waiting for my turn at the clinic.
I shan’t complain. Look at the bright side of things. I had peaceful rest. I had a lot of time praying yday. God is in control.