Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Week 13 update

Taken at week 12 during Oscar scan 

To be honest, when I went for the scan last week, I was (pleasantly) surprised that the heartbeat is still beating. I was certain 小豆豆 had left bcoz I suffered some cramps just a few days before..but I didn't want to cause any panic to william and kept quiet. 

Each time my friends ask me, my usual reply would b " baby is still here .. (thankfully)" .. they think I'm joking and not being serious. But to be honest, I'm not confident. I hear too many stories and probably do too many claims to know that being able to deliver thr baby at full term without complications is no mean feat. And I just wanna be thankful for each day that 小豆豆 is still here with me. 

I'm thankful also for the sweetest friends I have.. friends who send sweet messages to comfort me when I'm down; friends who send surprise snacks over for me to tide my hunger/ cravings.. I felt so loved during this pregnancy. And I know I'm blessed. I'm trying to be as optimistic as I can, but it aren't easy either.. 😆 

Well below are my pregnancy symptoms 

1) Morning sickness / nausea 
- its finally settling down..or probably I've caught the pattern.. I know that a good 姜母茶 wil help me if im really feeling terrible. And I try to eat every 2-3 hrs just to make sure the stomach isn't empty

2) work
- I've started to work a bit..yeah.. else at this rate I wil feel so useless.. lol.. bit by bit but ill get there 

3) exercise 
- I did some swimming with the twins yday. It was good to have some energy to spend time with them; doing what they like..instead of always cooping at home. Hopefully I can get back to exercising more 

4) weight gain 
I've gain abt 3kg since the start of this pregnancy 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
I kbow that William and joy has gained 6 and 4kg respectively.. lol..not sure abt the twins.. at this rate william going to gain back what he has shed ! Lol.. 

5) Cravings 
- this is definitely William's taste bugs..lol..food that i previously would never eat, have since brought me joy when I was 🤢
While milk like my fav korean banana milk..I haven't been able to drink it anymore 😭
My favourite type of coffee is no longer dalgona or cappuccino but kopi O iced ! 
Each time william asked me what would I like for lunch / dinner, my typical reply back to him nowadays would b.. what would u like sir? Hahahaha.. 

Thankful for the sweet 🎁 that im carrying now..  praying that God pulls us thru it all this journey. Praying that I would try to face each day with positivity bocz P.A.C.E 

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