Thursday, February 6, 2020

Change for the better

Just did my 2nd swim this week and feeling super shiok over it! Though there was a minor scare during the swim coz I saw a mermaid while swimming in the dark. My vision isn't that good at night and I thought a tail swam past me during the 2nd lap..n when I returned again, I saw the whole mermaid! Some adult bought the tail and swim with it..🤣🤣🤣 next time I shall ask her where she got it from..hahahah.. can work on my core muscles..

This is the week to get back in shape after all the holiday feasting. Back to healthy eating and exercising twice a week. Been too indulgent with all the partying that I've put on 3 kg since nov! Omg! The goal this yr is to lose another 10kg and reach 65! I can do it! 💪💪💪

In other news, I will b doing a mini sharing next week in office..omg.. public speaking (again).. it's a love hate relationship.. love to step out of my comfort zone and improve on myself; hate it bcoz it's super uncomfortable. Hope that God grants me the wisdom to make a positive impact; and that I wont screw up la.. in Jesus name I pray amen! 

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