Monday, February 3, 2020

03.02.2005 received this bouquet of sunflowers 🌻 from u. I felt irritated that u kept haunting me like a ghost despite severing our ties moons ago. 我觉定那晚约你 肯你说清楚. 

Having just ended my 2nd r/s, I have no plans or mood to start another 感情. I just wanted him to stop pestering me. He picked me up and we drove for a long time before reaching "dunno where". 

When I alighted, God said to me in the most assertive voice, "Lena, this man is the most suited man for you. If you pass him by, more eligible men would come but none as suitable as him". 

And with that, I decided to marry him. 

That was exactly 15yrs ago. To make that decision, my friends thought I was crazy. My mom wanted to disown me.
July 2005 when we were 15 yrs younger 

To say that God works in amazing ways, is a huge understatement. I never felt so peaceful that eventful night. And we got married 1 yr later, on 11.06.2006. Though my parents weren't approving, I was firm and they knew there was no other way around it. 

Left: our wedding pic; right: at photo studio before wedding 

Fast forward and it's been 15 yrs since that fateful night. Time flies in super speed and before u know it, we are classified as "老夫老妻". On some days, I stand in awe of God's perfect timing for us. If I had gone ahead to apply a BTO with william in 2003, (yes he did the bto proposal), I wont have cherish our r/s. I would have taken him for granted, and we probably wont be together by now. My plans are not always God's plans but His plans are always for my best interests. When we got back together, I appreciated him more and also understood what I needed. We would eventually be lifelong partners and role models for our kids. 

On "battle" nights, I cried out to God..why why.. did I hear Him wrongly? Did He really say best suited? Lol... we went thru many rounds of ironing and realignment to be the Mr & Mrs Choo today. I'm thankful that God is in the centre of our union.

Know therefore that the Lord your God is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commandments.
Deuteronomy 7:9 NIV


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