Wednesday, September 25, 2019

While waiting for the train home, I received a text from one of my PSLE mummies..

"All the best to our 3 Piglets tomorrow for their first Major exam,  Jia You 💪"

Oh.. tomorrow is PSLE.. oops.. no wonder my work BDM text me saying that she was on half day bcoz she needed to do revision with her P6 kid.. she was surprised when I told her I'm working..  but I didnt realize tomorrow was D-day and I told her that my objective is to R&R with joy so that she doesnt burn out by then.. (which I still stand by my point).

Reached home at 1030pm and all 3 girls are sound asleep..I know some kids are still rushing the midnight oil.. but I think the school has drilled whatever that is required liaoz la.. whatever can b absorbed/ learnt has been absorbed.. whatever can't will not b possible anyway..hahaha..

Then I saw this on my fb feeds and couldn't agree more..

Perhaps I should wake up early tomorrow just to assure my P6 kid that everything would b fine.. just do her best and entrust that God will do the rest..

Rest in the LORD and wait patiently for Him; Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way, Because of the man who carries out wicked schemes. - Psalm 37:7

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