Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Pre trip blues

Feeling super lethargic. Haven't been sleeping well for the last week. The twins zzz with me last night (coz I'm flying off tonight) and I just wanna spend more time with them. They have been especially sensitive, especially as the trip is approaching. I suspect the tween is emo too, but she doesnt express it. I feel bad that I'm still working today- the day I fly.

Feels like cancelling the appts for today. It's a huge temptation coupled with the lack of sleep though i doubt i could rest even if I'm home. I shall chop chop finish my work today and head home ba.

Praying for journey mercy and that the kids and william would be fine at home. Each time I fly, I feel like it's the last time I get to hug and kiss them and say I love them.. I know I v guazhang but one can never know.. praying for peace and strength God.. in Jesus name I pray, amen!

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