Thursday, July 18, 2019

July - the mth of feasting and celebrations

And so the feasting has started for my bday! With jiamin being the first stop! As always, she has graciously offered to cook lunch for both of us. Home cooked food and having the luxury to chat about anything and everything is what I really appreciate.. hahah.. as times passes, 真的能聊天的朋友真的不多。感恩有你们。

Photo by wanling..


So we went for an early lunch on my actual day before picking up the girls. Managed to try 探鱼 which I've wanted to try for the longest time but never got to doing it. Glad that the food was good.

I cried shortly after this shot. Was overwhelmed with emotions when I saw the surprise tiramisu. It has been a long time since he baked anything for me. This is like a cake he always bake when we were dating and I'm so grateful that we have gone such a long journey together. Praying that we both grow old together, that we be able to witness our girls growth over the years.

Went for HDL. And it wasn't even planned. Happened to pass by and the staff gave us some vouchers to entice us to come..hahaha.. it was their first time and uncle choo and I both agreed that it was definitely more affordable than beauty pot though we both preferred the soup there. The kids had so much fun there that the dinner lasted for 2hrs++ and by the time we reached home it was way past the kids bedtime. Thankful for all the blessings that I have. Thank God.


We also went for movies a few days after my bday coz it was a school holiday. I wanted to watch toy story 4 so grace accompany me coz she isn't a action packed movie person. I'm glad we could split teams.. hahaha..

Team toy story 4 on the left and spiderman on the right
Joy took this using one of her camera apps and I really like how it turn out.

Happy family

We went to Jewel to do this after the movies..  haha.. fun packed day

I'm glad I did it with the girls.. hahaha.. coz uncle chickened out at the start. Maybe the bday resolution is to start saying "Why Not?" instead of NO moving forward 


Lovely lunch treat with Syd.. glad that we are finally colleagues again after so many yrs

Still have a couple of lunch treats coming along in the coming weeks. Thankful for the friends who made the effort. Mayb I'm old liaoz.. hahaha.. tend to be more emo and thankful.. hahaha.. but yes, a thankful heart for all the blessings and wishes this July. May we all grow old and healthy and happy together. 😘

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