Wednesday, May 29, 2019


Went for an appt today. Client referred his student to me who said she wanted to get hospitalization plans for her parents. I went down to their place at Jurong west. It was a panel meeting, with 3 siblings. 2 were nice simple folks but the eldest son was the stuck up kind. All 3 were below 30. Budget was a constraint so I recommended a lower tier plan. The appt lasted for 2 hrs. I explained all their queries. The 2 sisters were appreciative and thanked me at the end of the appt. The bro wanted to consider. I told them that I could come back again should they decide to get it from me.

I left the appt. I was light hearted. I wasnt complaining or upset. (I could if I wanted to) but The word God gave me was obedience. To obey and do my best in serving others. To not look to man but to Him and fulfil His plans for me. I decided to give thanks coz: 1)At least I had an appt. 2)At least my client thought well of me to refer. 3)Even if they dont get from me, I hope they would get it soon. 4) I manage to educate someone today. 5) count my blessings.

for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose. Philippians 2:13 NIV

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Sweet memories


I recall a senior comforting me when I was in between sobs. I was disappointed then, having joined this industry with the purpose of helping others. But certainly not everyone sees the same as me. Just kena rejected by a referral call and being "scolded" by my mentor for my (poor) telephone skills. I was disheartened. I wasnt even intending to sell anything to anyone. I just wanted to tell everyone the importance financial planning is!

为什么这么难呢? 难道进这行是错的吗?

Thoughts of leaving? Yes! (All the time, in fact). But I'm reminded by her words this morning as I make my way for my appt. Precisely bcoz few see the importance, thus we need to educate. Bcoz not all are informed, that's why we must 敲锣打鼓 to notify!

Thankful that she shared those encouraging words to me when i was young.

Indeed, even after being here for >16yrs, it can be tough at times. But yes, let's reflect on my initial beginnings and 如果我的热忱还在, 相信的观念依然,那我们就奋斗吧!



Starting a 1 month devotion for myself. Today's read is on how as mothers, sometimes we yearn to have some quiet time by ourselves, to enjoy our coffee by ourselves but more often than not, even before the coffee is ready, the kids are yelling for our attention/help. Praying for God to be my caffeine, to refresh me, to awaken me every morning. Renew me, as I embark on today's challenges.

but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:31 NIV

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Having a cuppa sinful hot chocolate; planning to make some appts before heading home. If anything, I'm trying hard not to think or worry. There are times when I doubt my self worth, especially in moments like this when I don't have much work. There are times when I think of V, how she must have struggled and how I should have been more aware and reach out to her. Won't things have changed, if we all had..  

Maybe I should go take up some classes, to take the mind away. J probably felt it coming and comforted me when I came in today. I'm ever so thankful for her, who has always been an encourager in my life. If not, I probably wont have lasted that long. 

Maybe I should go back to swimming too.. so that it clears my mind. 

Surrendering to the Lord, for His wisdom n guidance, that in His perfect timing, all will come in place. 

Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.
Colossians 4:2 NIV

P/S: I went for a swim this morning and it felt so good.. I've forgotten how good it was to swim. Thankful ! Today is a brand new day! Happy weekend !