Saturday, September 29, 2018

Goodbye Sept...

It's been 3 weeks since I last came to church. It's good to be back and I can only be thankful that I'm back. After all, there are so many things to be thankful for.

1) Brazil
- the trip turned out to be much better than I expected. Despite the super long flights, the good food definitely helped compensated for it. There wasn't much to see in Brazil actually. The places weren't that safe for us to roam on our own and there really wasn't much to buy besides the havanianas slippers and Melissa shoes. (Yes, those were on super discounts and for someone who's trying to reduce her footwear, I too couldn't resist the temptation and bought a few pairs.. ) But that was it. If anything, it made me even more thankful for the environment we have in sg, where we could go out at nights and come home safely.

At the Selaron steps where there were alot of pickpocketing and we had to stay within our grp.

I did spend A LOT of time with my mama.. probably too much such that towards the end of it, I only wanted to be alone , to recharge. There were many moments where I could see the similarities between my mama , me and Vera that was tormenting me alive. We were the typical "女人" where "anything" actually meant a lot of things. It was really frustrating when the Dowager meant more than what she means and exhuasting to always try guess what she actually wants. I even text mr choo in the midst of the trip, thanking him for having the patience to take care of 3 generations of us! It made me more appreciative of him and also my mama, who seems to have aged. Yes, 我是要对她好一点的。

2) Grace
This was what she looked like, and I'm just praying that her wounds would recover soon. Time will heal everything and I hope there would b no complications.

The girls and their cousins were playing sparkles at my mama house on sat night. And a freak accident happened. Part of the sparkle flinched from Joy' s stick and landed onto Grace chest. The brave girl felt something burning and with her hand, she removed it, in the midst of the darkness. When we switched on the lights, the damage was done. 2nd degree burn on her chest and hand.

My heart crumpled When I saw the wounds. She was a brave Girl, but the pain was unbearable. The spark burnt her dress and onto her tender skin. There were 2 holes. So it has been a hectic week, bringing her to kkh every other day to change the dressing and monitor the recovery. The doctor said that the recovery would probably take weeks / months and it is v.impt to make sure that there is no infection. No more water games; no more outdoor activities.

While we were at kkh 3 days after the accident.

Even though her pain threshold is the highest among the 3, it is still a very painful process.

Both of them waiting at kkh A&E now though her appt should be coming Monday. She went for her friend's bday party this morning and I even reminded both of them to be careful and to stay inside the function room at ALL times. But when I picked them up, her dressing were wet. I checked with my PD and he say it's best to change it NOW. Thus both of them are at kkh while I'm in church with the other 2.

And this is only the first full week. I'm not sure how we can manage the long recovery process. Just need to pray and believe that God is with us and He will protect us.

Of coz, there are still things to be thankful for, despite the accident. It could be a lot worse if the spark / splint had been on other parts of her body. That's why I'm trying to remain calm.and thankful. There are days when I'm calm and steady but there are times when I just wanna kill myself for such accidents.

3) work
- it has been a quiet 2 weeks, so quiet that I kinda regretted going on the trip. The inertia to come back to work is HUGE and any attempts to try to kickstart the engine seems fertile. I can't rem what we talked abt, but I was telling J that despite being here for so many yrs, The ?? Are always there..  "if we are suited for this job ?" ; "what happens if there aren't any cases to close?" ; "can we really be here for long ?"

 Leaning onto the Lord and believing that everything happens in His perfect timing. I will do my best and let Him do the rest. N if the day comes when there's no one else left that need my expertise, then perhaps I shall do something else...

Monday, September 17, 2018

A thankless job

" How much is the mgmt paying for doing this thankless job?" - that was the thought racing thru my mind tonight as I struggled to find the remote control for my tv program.

Ever since he became the village head, the hrs that he spend either on his WhatsApp grp chats or the number of meetings he had to handle..  seriously makes me wonder why don't he just apply a job there instead? N tonight is not one of the scheduled meetings he had pre-booked me for , but he went to attend anyway, since I was at home tonight.

And I'm grumbling now bcoz I can't find my tv remote control and thus can't watch the show that I've been chasing for weeks.. argh.. so spoilt hor.. haiz.. I did text him to ask him where it could b and he suggested a few places but it was not there. Instead, I found the places to be covered with dust and dirt that it's disturbing. Given the small space that we are staying now, I certainly thought it would b easy to find it and I certainly didn't expect the hidden dust/dirt. I might not be hands on abt the housework but I can be pretty OCD abt cleanliness if u know what I mean. If you are free to go for yr CCAs, I would expect you to be done with yr basic tasks/ requirements.. yes I sound like the evil stepmother and he probably is the modern "Cinderella" .

Feeling sulky abt the situation and hopefully I don't spread poison when I see him after he comes back from his meeting. It's coming to 11pm, almost 3 hrs since he left. I hope I will cool down on my own. Of coz the evil thought of just ending the rental lease did come to my mind each time such things happen. Yes, I'm evil. Yes, I'm spoilt. Yes, I know that I should better take control of my own emotions.

Praying for God's wisdom and patience to guide me thru this thunderstorm. Been feeling jittery after I came back from the trip.  Even though it was better than I expected , the working momentum came to a halt and the few appts that I had fixed prior, had mostly been postpone til oct. This is one of the (many) reasons why I don't really like traveling. It brings the work momentum to a full stop and the inertia to kickstart the engine is HUGE.   

Praying for Faith and believing that all things happen in His perfect timing. Yes I can do it, if it is in His plans. Yes, I need to let go and surrender completely. In Jesus name I pray, amen.

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. -Romans 12:12 NIV

Saturday, September 8, 2018


Having my last coffee and toast now, before i go for a week of ang moh food again. Had porridge for breakfast and Thai food for lunch , n this is tea break. I will certainly miss my sg food.. for sure.. haiz..

Praying for journey mercy for the trip, that I will have ample rest on the flights (it's a loooooong flight) and that I will be able to spend time fruitfully and purposefully with my mama. I pray that the Lord will guide me in this trip, that I be able to touch the lives of others who I might meet. May God give me the words to encourage them and let them know abt His goodness.

Indeed, it has been a very fruitful mth, for which I'm thankful for. And it can only be bcoz of Him, my God.

- Luke 5:5-6
This was what J send me a few days ago. She said that she thought of me when she read it and I couldn't agree more. There are times when I felt that there weren't any more cases left, or probably I won't be able to hit the special incentives. Coz I felt like Peter, who had cast his nets all night long, but there were nothing. But I wasn't disappointed. I kept continuing, becoz I believe that it was my mission to help people, in their financial planning. It could b via this or it doesn't have to be. The most impt thing is to be able to help them. I just continued doing what was right, and what God would be proud of. And finally, this week , all the cases came. And they came in large amts.. and from people I least expected. The number of cases plus the amts far exceeded both our expectations. And We can only affirm that it's all God's work, not mine.

May whoever that reads this be touched and know of His goodness, amen !

Friday, September 7, 2018

Bible verse

He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end. Ecclesiastes 3:11 NIV

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Lazy sunday

Feeling all emo and shitty.. probably bcoz the rio trip is coming next sat. . Haiz.. long long flight .. it would have been better if I'm someone who enjoys traveling but sadly I'm not.

Afraid that I will either blast at mr choo or the kids at the slightest thing.. Haiz..  so is the volatile me.. my mind struggles between having a Cadbury chocolate bar and eating badly need the chocolate to calm me down but I know that aren't a permanent solution. And after that, the calories would stay with me permanently.. sigh. . Something happened at work and I felt incompetent when the client enquire abt an insurance out of my specialization..

Dear God, I pray that u carry me thru this week.. that even though my emotions are struggling, help me battle them.. overcome my demons and may I continue to shine and be a light to Jesus name I pray , amen!

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. -Romans 12:12 NIV