Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Another day...

Something happened today.. I told a prospect that it probably be better if they find another adviser more suitable for them.

Met this sahm who wanted to get H&S for her #2. She requested to meet at 9am coz her hubby needs to leave for work early and thus it's best to do the paperwork before that. She asked some qn over whatsapp which i replied. She said hubby has decided on thr plan. Told her that he needs to be around to sign. arrived at 820am and the hubby left at 825. I only got to know his name. Said he can't stay for 5 mins to listen. Ok then so be it. Mayb something cropped up etc. I continue the appt with the wife and covered all the areas needed. I asked why not getting the H&S for #3 (newborn) as well since it wasn't a concern financially. The wife said will discuss with the hubby.  I said Okie..  Anyway I needed to come down again and explain how it works so we probably can decide then.

Wife text me in the afternoon asking me to go down again tom early morning , which I declined as I have a packed schedule the next day. I suggested tue night instead. She said Okie. Then few mins later, texted me to just drop the forms on tue night. Which I declined immediately. I can't. (Later license kena chop). Told her I needed to meet the payer at least once to explain the features etc.  She said Okie. Then texted me again telling me not to say anything abt buying for #3.

I felt v uncomfortable by then. The cumulative order taking or lack of trust or dunno what. Told her frankly that:
1. Need meet payer to explain
2. Need highlight that payer has 3 kids and only wanna insure #2 (#1 alrdy has an existing plan), so no I can't keep quiet abt it. But we can just say #3 to kiv for now.

Wife said that hubby dislike meeting insurance agents and thus she is just thinking for my sake.

By here , I was tired alrdy la.. Told her if this is the case, probably they could do it with their original adviser (the one who sold to their #1) or go to the particular insurer directly. Told her that this is a long term r/s and if trust and honesty isn't there right from the start, it's v hard to move forward.

Maybe it's the command of going tom morning (place isn't anywhere near my house btw), or the "don't ask" command, or the fact that I can't even have 5 mins of his time despite reaching there way earlier, but I just didn't have the peace to want to continue the r/s forward. 😐

Maybe some people treat financial planning as if it was going to Mac Donald. It's supposed to be fast, and can always order delivery etc. Jus click whaf you wan, and delivery comes in 20 mins.

But this is not the way I work. To me, financial planning is impt. In fact, more impt than ur work or meals. How you do it now will impact if you even need to work or have food on the table in the future. It's like a visit to the doctor. Allocate time to look at it (now) or it will b too late when you want to.

I'm not cherry picking the people I meet. My friends /colleagues know that the clients I have are on extreme pay scales. Some earn as low as $2k/mth while others are much more. The only thing I ask of them is to treat me with respect. I will b honest in highlighting their loopholes and we can discuss and see how to work things out. They don't need to take up my recommendations if they don't want to. But we need trust to move forward.

I felt bad letting the referror down. (This was a direct referral). Mayb I was pokey today. Or mayb I was just over reacting. Mayb things happen for a reason.

Nevertheless I hope the couple find someone they trust and suitable for them.

Saw this on my bible app and thought it was something I needed greatly..

for he guards the course of the just and protects the way of his faithful ones. Proverbs 2:8

Saturday, February 17, 2018


This is one of the few CNYs when the whole extended family is staying in sg.. not heading back to the kampung bcoz my mama is sick. In fact she has a heart surgery right after cny. Although it's considered a big op, I'm still thankful given the circumstances. 

She had always complained of bloatedness / gastric pain and many a times I've nudged her to do a detailed scan but she always brushed me aside. The pain got so bad last week and she had to be rushed to the hospital. It was gall bladder stones and she needed 2 ops to remove all of it. On the day of discharge, the attending doctor noticed her irregular heartbeat and suggested she undergo further tests. And it was revealed that her heart was not beating regularly. There were occasions where it stopped for 6 seconds. The normal person stopped for <2.4 sec. Imagine our shock. A 3 day staycation turned out to be a week long and most likely she would need to do a pacemaker right after cny. 

Despite that, I'm thankful for the circumstances. The doctor also said that the irregular heartbeat could go undetected for a long time and most of the cases when it happened, the situation would be a lot more serious etc.. 

This episode also reminded me (again) that the most important things in life is health and family. What does it matter if one has all the riches in the world but no life/family to spend it with ? 

There are so many things to be thankful for this CNY and I just wanna pray that may everyone has health and time with loved ones..

Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground. Psalms 143:10

Monday, February 5, 2018

Bible verses

I praise God for what he has promised. I trust in God, so why should I be afraid? What can mere mortals do to me?

Psalms 56:4 NLT

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Family ties

There is something in this world that won't change no matter what circumstances. It stays with us from the day we are born til the day we are no longer here. And it is family ties.

No matter what we do, we can never alter the ties we have with our family. And as much as I try to understand, i feel so much for mr choo, when he is always the one arrowed to do all the things with regards to his Mama, just bcoz he is a home maker.

An emergency happened this afternoon when his mama called him and said that she has been having diarrhoea for the past 1.5days. She wanted to see a doctor. Mr choo was stuck at home with the twins as they are having their nap while I was working. He called his bro and sil and neither of them answered. Calls or msgs did not work. He was anxious. And he didn't want to wait and had no choice but to wake the twins up so that he could go attend to the elder.

He asked his mama why didn't she called him this morning or yday when she was alrdy feeling unwell ?or Why can't she call his other son? Her reply was : " I can't. I can't call the emperor. He is a busy man."

Favouritism. My heart broke when my man told me this. For as long as I've known him, I know my mil refers to her elder son as "王帝" and Mr choo was always the errands boy - the one who had to run all the errands bcoz 王帝 is a busy man. My heart aches for him coz when I first know him, he was already used to the unbalance treatment. He says bcoz that's the way it is. But today, I know it has hit his breaking point.

As much as I loathe that side of the family, there is nothing much I can change. Even when I deliberately let out that Mr choo is currently working for me (thus no longer as free as he used to), or the fact that I'm not just a mediocre earner, he will always remain the smallest in that food chain. It hurts me when my CEO is being treated so small in that family. And there s nothing I can do abt it.

Praying for peace and wisdom to manage this situation. Praying that God give me the right words to comfort my man. As much as I don't understand why a mama can b so biased since both are her fresh and blood, I pray God that you help us, help us overcome this challenging situation. In Jesus name I pray - Amen

Friday, February 2, 2018

Same same but different

Lately Grace has been throwing those tantrums more frequently than before... in fact , it happened twice today..  once over dinner and the 2nd during cell grp..  it's those where she will suddenly burst into cries (loud) when we say no or correct her.

It reminds me of the tantrums that Joy had when she was at that age. Back then, I thought joy had her fits bcoz the twins had just arrived. It was overwhelming , jealousy, emo and all sorts of emotions added together.

When Grace first started having such outbursts, I thought nothing much of it .. " maybe she doesn't have enough rest "; or "maybe the topic of argument is her weakness" or "she's learning to express herself"...

I'm not exactly sure what or how it triggers her yet and she also didnt have another (new) sibling to fight attention with.

Each time it happened, I hugged her, calm her down, kiss her and repeat. There was no point in explaining the situation coz her mind is still hot on the oven. (Love first)

After I'm sure that she has really calmed down, I started to small talk with her and slowly leading her and explaining to her how it happened. (Action later) Each time she could see it and acknowledge her mistake and apologise. This was what matters to me.

This may seems very time consuming to others. After all, didn't we all grow up to "eat" the cane whenever we misbehave? There wasn't even any TLC. It was always between hit first then scold or vice versa. And that was what I did to joy back then. I thought I knew. I thought since I turn out fine, certainly the same parenting style would work out. But I was wrong. For close to 2 yrs our r/s suffered. It got so badly to the point when Joy would cry at my mere 眼神(⊙o⊙)。。scary.. what have I done ? That was version 1.0

I'm glad that today I didn't exhibit any of the past. I'm thankful that I managed to keep my calm. I'm glad that God was with me during that period of our lives. I'm glad that we have overcome that stage. Perhaps it happens to all 5yr olds. Perhaps more challenging tasks lies ahead.

No matter how challenging it may seem, God is with us and He will never give us a task too difficult for us to carry. May i always remain so confident in my parenthood and Christian walk.

I love my God.  I love my family. May everyone get to know my God and appreciate the peace I have now.
#满满的幸福 #满满的感恩

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Slack day 1

I had 4 full days of break before work commerce again.
Woke up this morning and went for a swim after dropping the twins. My 3rd swim in 2018 (feeling so guilty). I love swimming and that's my fav activity in exercise.. But Nov- Jan , bcoz of travelling, the rain and me falling sick, I hardly swam at all.. there were also less legit reasons like the water/weather is too cold, or I'll do it tonight after my work etc..anyway, I'm glad I did it today.
Had breakfast with mr CHOO and there I was... thinking what next.. lol.. he say to start a new Korean drama but I'm hesitant. Decided that I should go do my brows since I have 4 days..
Took the time to try out my new toy.. had borrowed a hair curler/straightener from Joleen and since I didn't need rush to anywhere, I will try to use it today !

This is how I look after it.. lol..need practice a few times and see if it would be easier and nicer..
Insurer called at 9am saying I missed out some info.. argh.. I need to b more familiar with the new forms... arranged to drop by to sign the forms before coming back to do my brows..
Popped by office since I was still early for my brows.. saw Ange.. and she look good.. I'm happy to see her and hopefully things will get easier for her. Life has been quite bumpy for her and I pray that with the current extra pair of hands , she will be able to breathe more and enjoy her coffee more..  can't wait for Apr to come and we'll be going to rome together! Yeah..
Came back to nex to do my eyebrows and the therapist says that I actually didn't need touch up after shaping it.. else I would end up like 蜡笔小星 for cny.. haha..i manage to get away with a free eyebrow trimming..hahahah.. she even tried to close me another eyebrow trimming package..omg.. this place is so hard sell.. everything also 硬硬来..
Mama called saying she hadn't had lunch so I asked her to come over so that I could eat with her.. hahaha..  I love my mama.. hopefully my girls would b close to me even after they grow up..
Doubt I can do this kinda of slack days for long..  need to get my act tog.. gotten start doing calling tom.. lol.. tis week shall  be the last of slacking.. I need to have a hobby else life is so boring.. hahaha

And this was what happened when I go shopping with my mama.. kinda forced by her to get the shoes coz she wasn't happy that I was wearing slippers.. her way of living me. Though I told her that I don't need so many pairs...