Saturday, February 17, 2018


This is one of the few CNYs when the whole extended family is staying in sg.. not heading back to the kampung bcoz my mama is sick. In fact she has a heart surgery right after cny. Although it's considered a big op, I'm still thankful given the circumstances. 

She had always complained of bloatedness / gastric pain and many a times I've nudged her to do a detailed scan but she always brushed me aside. The pain got so bad last week and she had to be rushed to the hospital. It was gall bladder stones and she needed 2 ops to remove all of it. On the day of discharge, the attending doctor noticed her irregular heartbeat and suggested she undergo further tests. And it was revealed that her heart was not beating regularly. There were occasions where it stopped for 6 seconds. The normal person stopped for <2.4 sec. Imagine our shock. A 3 day staycation turned out to be a week long and most likely she would need to do a pacemaker right after cny. 

Despite that, I'm thankful for the circumstances. The doctor also said that the irregular heartbeat could go undetected for a long time and most of the cases when it happened, the situation would be a lot more serious etc.. 

This episode also reminded me (again) that the most important things in life is health and family. What does it matter if one has all the riches in the world but no life/family to spend it with ? 

There are so many things to be thankful for this CNY and I just wanna pray that may everyone has health and time with loved ones..

Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground. Psalms 143:10

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