Thursday, March 2, 2017

How much does it cost to have a cuppa these days?

#Backpost 28/2/17

Juz ordered a cuppa hot chocolate @ this cafe -- $8! So expensive.. haiz.. client had suggested this place though I was really hoping that she suggest friendlier places like Starbucks (which happened to be having 1 for 1 this week) or TCC (where I still have some credits there). Even J.Co which is juz opp seems like a better option. Then my next immediate thought was : " I better close my appt later!" So bad! lol.. I corrected myself before sinking further.

God, I pray that You grant me wisdom in the appt later, I pray that You give me the right words to say to the appt, to help them manage their finances. God, guard my heart that I say not only the right things, but the things that You will be proud of.

On a separate note, I wanna pray for a friend who has lost his father. I pray that You console the family, and provide support & comfort. I'll be attending the funeral later and in all honesty, I'm a little nervous. Nervous coz I haven't see this friend for > 5 yrs; we kinda have a strained relationship ever since he divorced his wife who happens to be my fren also. Nervous becoz funerals are occasions that I don't really know how to react. Decided to go despite all reasons becoz I hope I will be able to give some support and encouragement to this friend. Praying that God help him cope with his sorrows, in Jesus name I pray, amen!

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