Friday, December 23, 2016

The big move

Today marks the day when we officially move into our new house. Everyone is now sound asleep while I'm still emo-ing abt how the old place is so much better than the current place.  To be fair, there wasn't major faults abt the new place. Mr choo has done a fantastic job packing all the things and planning the move all by himself. And I really mean all by himself. Till date, he has shifted a queen size bed + mattress, a clothes wardrobe , a camera cabinet that's taller than joy , and many many boxes of clothes, shoes , toiletries and kitchenware.. all by himself. I was more worried abt his back but him being him, once he has decided to do what he wants to do, no one can convince him otherwise. The most amusing thing got to be the way he bubble wrapped our queen size mattress before trolleying all the way from the hdb to our new place. I asked him if it was tedious and the man said it was more embarrassing instead.. my man..

Anyway back to my emo... I guess I'm juz not someone who adapts to changes very well. After the move and after I came back fr work, (yes, despite the official move day, I still had to work), I started to complain and nitpick.. lol.. like asking him why doesn't our toilet has a dustbin or cup holder to put the tooth brush ? Why is the shower head not the same as the old house? Or why I can hear the girls clearly even though they are in the other room? And the list goes on and go.. I was snapping and getting out of control.. but he was so ever patient with me.. explaining all my 101 questions.. even I myself couldn't tahan me, if I'm the hubby.

Really thankful for him yesterday, today and for the next 50 yrs.. a friend say I would b able to adapt in a week's time..well I certainly hope so.. despite all the grouses , I'm thankful for God in our household, and Mr choo in my life. Merry Xmas everyone !

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