Saturday, September 27, 2014

Goodbye FB..

- posted on 27th sep 2014

About 2 weeks ago , I deactivated my fb account.  Yes , I did the unthinkable. . Have decided to cut away fr social media after several quarrels with uncle pig. I was pissed that he could reply to the rest of the world on fb and yet forgot abt replying my msgs or calls.. yeah, call it crazy or whatsoever . The missing my calls/msgs were killing me..

I also wanted to cut away fr FB coz I felt that it was taking away too much of my time. It was becoming an addiction , always refreshing my news feed to have the latest update of the happenings of my circle. Shouldn't time be spend on face to face conversations ? Instead even at gatherings , it was always impt to take pics and tag and post.. I'm tired of all these.. juz wanna go back to the Dinosaur age whereby one needs to call/meet in order to know how one is..

P/s: as of today I've been fb - free for a mth plus. . Nv thought it would last that long.. it was quite nice to occasionally check on my frens via uncle pig fb.. but still happy that my acc is close for now..

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