Friday, September 19, 2014

Weaning #5

Thought i do an update of my weaning process, since the last I tried weaning her off was abt 6 weeks ago.

The first mth was kinda crazy, every night she would wake up at unearthly hrs crying and crying for milk. In order to make sure that she doesnt wake Vera up, I would carry her out to the living room and battle it out with her for at least an hr, usually 2 hrs. On some nights, I would be very confused. Coz a bottle usually would only take 5 mins to knock her out, while a war would usually take 2 hrs.. and it hurts when I see her cry like that..  This lasted for a whole mth, when i almost thought it would last forever.. she started to sleep through (finally!) yeah! time to open the champagne bottle.. =)

Having said that, out of the past 5 days, Grace woke up 3 times this week (before 5am) asking for milk.. I hope this cycle ends. Its better for her and me, if both of us get at least 6 hrs of uninterrupted sleep every night.. haha..Praying for God's strength ..

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