Sunday, March 1, 2015

The day I thought I will say goodbye. .

The day I thought I will lose Grace.. yes a frightening experience indeed.. when the little girl decide to climb over the bench and fell into my mama's fish pool. I won't hv notice if not for the fact that Vera shouted her name in alarm and I couldn't see her.

My instinct was to walk out and check where the cheeky girl had gone and to my astonishment, she was "swimming back float " in the pond and gulping mouthfuls of water in between.  I jumped into the pond and rescued her. Both of us were in total shock and I knew that it would b a complete different story if Vera hadn't shouted her name or if I hadn't reacted immediately . Things could hv gone a completely different way.

She is better now but still in shock. She cried a little when we put her to sleep.. kept crying and saying she doesn't want to fall into the pond again. Juz in case one is thinking it's juz a shallow small pond , my mama happens to have one of those that's more than 1 metre deep pond.. so yes I'm in total shock.. but I'm so thankful that God protected her. I want to believe that it's our Saviour who rescued her and it was a quick reminder for me (especially) not to always complain .. complain abt her not sleeping through , having bad tantrums and not willing to share etc.. All these juz pales in comparison when this incident happened. It's like a wake up call from God to remind me like .. " hey!! Didn't You requested for more kids juz a couple of yrs ago ? Why the many Complains now ?"

Yes , I hear it. . And yes I should juz relax and embrace whatever that comes along. . Suddenly joy's checkpoints and tests doesn't seem that impt.. I even started to think what would life be without anyone of them ? Be it the kids or William .. I'm scared... and I know I will not know when .. but God, our almighty God will know.. and it will be at His perfect timing.  And today is not that timing . Thank God for that . Thank god for everything .

Sometimes things happen because we always focus on what seems important, and missing out on what's truly important .

The pic on the left was taken when the twins were a few mths old while the one on the right was taken in Jan 2015 when we did a staycation. How time flies. I pray that God give me the wisdom and patience to guide each of the girls so that they will grow up to be yr worthy servants , in jesus name I pray , amen! 

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