Thursday, April 26, 2012

Week 36 update

It is with a heavy heart that I'm composing this entry. Juz seen my gynae and he's concerned abt my raised blood pressure & protein in urine. So here I am , at the labour ward monitoring my blood pressure n Bbs' heartbeats to c if it's necessary to do an earlier delivery or if we could wait till 3rd of may.

1) weight gain
@ 36 weeks they r abt 3.1 kg each n my total weight gain is 20 kg! Faints! So much weight gain..

2) status update
After staying at the labour ward for the whole day I'm finally shifted back to the normal ward! Yippee! Much as I want a normal delivery , looking at how things r, I think most likely we will either do a c sec on fri or sat (assuming I can tahan further) coz the additional days I drag, the longer the twins can stay in and develop further. Well, we will c when the gynae comes tomorrow la..

Right now , I'm juz thankful that Joy is coping well with all. In fact, she sounded pretty chirpy at my mom's place when I called her an hr ago. I'm hoping that she can tahan her first night w/0 us.. And if so, then she doesn't need to bunk in at the hospital with us.

Pls also pray that the twins will come in God's timing and also if possible a normal delivery. However, the most important thing is that they will be delivered safely and if a c sec is required, may God grant the doc the wisdom to decide otherwise. Pray that I can zz well to prepare for the delivery, that I will be optimistic with everything, that I will be in the best spirits. Thank God for all that He has blessed us and we are looking forward to embarking on the new exciting journey together. In Jesus name I pray, amen !

Sunday, April 22, 2012

When will it be my turn? 

Today I had a gathering with my friends and we were all talking abt our delivery experiences and due dates. It's been a long wait for me and now I'm left with 10 more days. I had wanted to really tahan till week 37, but the excruciating pains experienced last night made me tempted to shorten it to week 36. 

Surely there won't be much of a difference bet 36th and 37th week right? I mean, yes there will be a difference la but will the difference b significant? So much so that is it worthwhile to wait for an additional 7 more days? I was an owl last night, having only zz fr 730am - 9, and another half hr at 1130am. Zz was difficult n a rare commodity. N if this repeats for the next ten days, by the time the twins r here, I seriously doubt I would have any ounce of energy left to take care of them. 

Having heard of mummies delivering their twins super early in their pregnancy, I'm thankful that I managed to last till now but I'm also tempted to shorten it myself. I really wanna c the twins soon too! Kinda excited n wondering if they will look like joy.. Haha.. Hopefully the excitement don't set me off to another sleepless night. Hopefully my water bag burst tonight! Hopefully hopefully hopefully.. Hopefully tonight I can zz well and change my mind!

Relationships can be so fragile..

Had lunch with a very old friend today. Had always wanted to catch up with her but bcoz all of us were busy with our own lives, we only met at major occasions like weddings etc.. I initiated today's lunch bcoz I suspected that something was going wrong between her n hubz. Both of them were my personal friends and crossed their paths at my 21st birthday party, dated and got married.. It was a long relationship that span more than ten years and I was delighted when it was finally their turn to walk the aisle a couple of years ago.. But relationships can be so fragile at times. There was another woman in the picture, they started  barely a few mths ago and hubz is now sure that "she" is the one and wanna end the marriage. My heart sank when my friend told me this. She was still in love with this man, wanna forget him n give each other another chance. But the decision was not mutual. It seems so unbelievable. 

Right now, I juz pray that she will pick things up soon, that the wounds would heal soon although I think it always take time. Oh God, I pray for this couple, that You fix their relationship , that You carry her and You heal her wounds. I pray that she/they will turn to You, to know you and I pray that in the midst of all these, something gd will come out of it. In Jesus name I pray, amen.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Week 35 update

It's been a slow week but finally we are at week 35. Everyday seems to be passing by slowly n the wait seems so long. Anyway @ week 35, it seems a milestone on its own. I've passed 7 days and there's another 14 days left. (small yeah!)

1) weight gain
- its a lot! I've gain 4kg since last week! Gasp! The twins are at abt 2.8kg each.. They've only gain 300 grams each since last week weighing . Anyway the gynae did reassure me that the huge gain is normal for a twin pregnancy n I really shldnt b worrying too much. He's quite pleased with how the twins developed and commented that it would be nice if we could push ourselves a little bit more n tahan till week 36. 

2) delivery date
- it was original slated to b on the 3rd of may but looking at how uncomfortable I am w the swollen feet, my backaches n everything, the gynae did say that we can push the date earlier, but Ideally it would b best if we can tahan tahan, so that the girls can stay in me n grow fully. Yes, I'm really trying, trying to tolerate all of it that comes along. Zz has not been easy, together with the pains n swollen feet n not able to do much except be waited on. 

In no time I won't be able to see my toes i guess! But in the midst of all these discomforts , I'm also so appreciative of what God has done for me, by blessing us with two wonderful lives. Uncle Pig says to look at this as a situation that God has set for me, a challenge for me to overcome. If I could overcome all the heartaches while TTC-ing back then, this surely is a manageable task for me. Ultimately, God is with us all the time n in times of despair, we just hv to look to Him, for help.  Yes, it will be manageable for me and yes I should try to be more optimistic abt it. I still have Uncle Pig and Joy who dotes on me n waits on me like a queen. I'm so thankful for them in my lives and I really should count my blessings. I love them and I thank God for them. 

Okie, shall stop here for now. Trying my best to be optimistic and happy abt things and counting each day as it goes by. For now, let's juz look forward to week 36. :p

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. - 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Week 34 Update

Yeah ! It's week 34! Finally! Seems like such a long time. We went for our gynae check up today (FYI: it's weekly visits now and they are expensive!) 

1) Weight 
- this is the no 1 thing I'm most concerned with bcoz in the event the twins go into labor, a gd weight will help them go a long way. Well, since the last scan a mth ago, they are now abt 2.5kg each ! Wow! Uncle pig n I were surprised by how much they've grown n thankful for the comfortable weight. Yes, this kinda explains my own weight gain of 15kg (I hope). Haha.. But yes, it juz feels "safe" knowing that they are quite big for now. 

2) Counting down to 21 days
- since my last emo entry, Uncle Pig n I have been trying to countdown by the days and now we are left w 21 days. The gynae feels that I'm gonna go into labour even before that and I'm quietly hoping that it will be too, but in God's timing coz He knows best. 

3) Buffet
- I know the plan was for us to only celebrate at the end of the mth but I was feeling so blue that I suggested celebrating our anniversary today! Haha.. N at his fav buffet place at Todai, MBS. I didn't eat as much la, so don't worry. It was nice, juz the two of us enjoying a little of couple time.

Happy day today. Took an afternoon nap after the lunch and wondering how I'm able to zz tonight. But that is for later. =p

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Pregnancy Blues

Ever since my last entry, my physical and mental condition kinda got worse. I was becoming more immobile, such that getting off bed itself was an uphill task, not to mention catching a movie. I was so depressed that I weeped on sat night. The thought that there's another 24 days left is dreadful n I shudder to think how I can cope doing some of the daily things when it seems harder by the days. My sleepless nights were back n my swollen feet got worse, such that they hurt even before walking. The thought that I'm finishing my wk soon also scares me. What am I gonna do after tue? Coop at home for the whole day for Next 24 days? That will simply trigger another set of problems on its own. 

Uncle Pig says to count each single day as it goes, and not think so much abt it. I'm trying. And sometimes trying aren't enough. I hate it when everyone has to serve me, that I can't seem to do anything useful nowadays. I wonder why is it so easy for so many twins-mummy to go thru they their pregnancy but it is such a trying journey for me.

Haiz.. Complain complain n more complains.. Before this become a super whining entry, I better stop. Trying to b positive, so that Uncle Pig will not worry abt me, and trying to count each happy thing as a blessing. Moreover the longer the girls stay inside me, the better gd it is for them too.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Week 33 Update

At 230am, my Zz monster is still not here yet so decided to do a post. At week 33, the gynae says that hopefully we hv another 3 -4 weeks left and he feels that looking at the size of the twins, we do hv a chance of lasting till week 36, which would be better for the gals too..

1) My weight
- Haiz.. It's a big jump ah.. Haha.. I've gained abt 14 kg since  being pregnant.. Not sure how heavy the gals r now coz we didn't do a scan today.
2) Sleep
- sleep for the past week has been gd. Generally I wake up abt twice / night but that's already quite gd compared to waking up every hr. But it's also starting to be more difficult as I become heavier. Even a simple turn on the bed is kinda painful and I wonder how I'm gonna take it for another 3 more weeks.

3) Preparations
- this is like the 2nd most frequent qn asked: "are u prepared?"
- well, technically, we are prepared. Much prepared this time round then the first time. All the things that's required has been prepared, washed, n placed in their rightful positions. I can't think of another thing that I hvnt bought that's essential.. But having said that, one can nv be over prepared right? I'm sure when the gals arrive, we definitely will reach a stage of feeling lost, tired n stress.. But that will b another entry on its own..

4) My thoughts
- the wait has been so long that right now, it juz feels like a dream. Sometimes I will feel stressed abt it, if something really bad will happen to the gals before D-day . Sometimes I will be fearful n wonder if we really know wat we are getting ourselves into. After all, Joy's been an extremely easy baby n she's been on auto pilot mode for a long time. Did all three of us know wat we are in for? On other days, I will stand in awe of God's goodness that He has chosen us to be the parents of these two girls, that He has chosen to bless us, not one but two additions in the family. How amazing is that!

5) swollen feet
- From the start of week 31, my feet has started to swell, so much that I'm tempted to use a needle to poke thru it to see if it will ooze out any liquids . Haha.. But I'm thankful that i had 30 weeks of normal feet. I remember during my first pregnancy, the swollen feet kinda stick to me pretty early in the pregnancy. Hopefully they don't swell any further.

6) Leg cramps
- I think this is pretty common for most preggies and I too had my fair share of extreme leg cramps when I had joy. However, for this pregnancy, I've so far only had it once, n it was manageable. Another thankful plus. 

7) appetite
- my appetite has started to increase! Haha.. I feel like I can eat a cow for lunch, n maybe a deer for tea and something for dinner n supper! Yes, it's a lot.. I know.. But at least I've managed to hv a normal diet at least for the past 30 weeks and thus the relatively okie weight gain up till week 30. Well, I've only another few weeks left so juz let me eat n indulge for a while.. Haha.. 

8) Photography
- we did our maternity cum family photo! Yes!  Coz the last time we wanted to do it on the scheduled date n Joy juz popped a day earlier. Well, now we finally have another chance at it, and joy's 5 yrs old now. How fast time flies! Overall, I think the experience was very good and all three of us had a lot of fun!

9) On Buffets
- this has been eliminated from my meals till 2nd may becoz primarily we hope that the twins stay inside me as long as possible so that they can grow as much possible. Joy did popped out prematurely after a buffet dinner and we didn't want a repeat of that again. But we will be going for a buffet dinner scheduled on 2nd may because my c-sec date is on 3rd may anyway and this is my last chance to try natural.. Haha.. C how then la... 

10) Mobility
- very low primarily bcoz of my swollen feet n the pelvic pain from the pregnancy. Right now, every distance is minimized n most of the time I'll be waiting in the car while Joy & daddy shops around.

11) Work
- I should be meeting my last few appts this week! Yeah! N hopefully after that I can do some couple time with Uncle Pig.. Hehe.. 

Think that's all for now la.. 

P/s: right now we are also praying that the start of my delivery would be after we drop Joy in school rather than at night as if it were at night, we would hv a problem to find someone to look after her. Pls pray for us too, thanks!