Thursday, August 18, 2011

Simple Happiness

"Happiness isn't about what happens to us -- it's about how we perceive what happens to us. It's the knack of finding a positive for every negative, and viewing a setback as a challenge. If we can just stop wishing for what we don't have, and start enjoying what we do have, our lives can be richer, more fulfilled -- and happier. The time to be happy is now." - Lynn Peters

Bumped into this verse when I was flipping one of Uncle Pig's old old books and it struck a chord in me. It's so true, how sometimes we always wish for a situation or something that God could give us, in order to be happy. But more often than not, it's not the result of a situation that will lead to happiness, but to look at every current situation, and smile. To be able to look at the little blessings at each situation, to be able to smile, and to be able to give thanks, is what we should do in life. And I'm trying to do it at the best I can, trying to be happy, optimistic every day, every hour and every second. And for this, I'm grateful, that God has guarded my emotions so far.. there was no major emo days and I'm just counting every day and looking forward to every day as it comes. This is simple happiness, I guess. =)

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