Thursday, August 11, 2011

Day 15

A bit lost with my counting but to sum it up, I've completely the first set of injections and were supposedly to start the 2nd set tomorrow. Met the gynae today again for an examination, and I muz say that this 2 weeks have been a breeze! Thank God for his mercy and protection. There was only a couple of mini-arguments tat I had with uncle pig, and not those mega catastrophic ones tat we used to hv when we were doing our IUIs and for this, I'm grateful. Jus trying to count my little blessings as it goes. =)

Anyway we did a blood test n a ultrasound scan today. Thought I could progress to stage 2 from tomorrow but dr says tt we need to wait for the blood test before he can advise on the dosage of the new med..and therefore, I would need to extend my stage 1 for another 2-3days bah..not tat it matters..essentially when u r doing >80 injections, I guess it didn't really matter if we had to do 2-3 more.. Haha.. Trying my best to b optimistic..maybe God wants me to be more prepared emotionally before we go to stage 2? Coz thats when the discomfort sinks in, with the bloated stomach n the over-stimulation of eggs..kinda regretted tt I didn't work as much as I wanted during stage 1 coz it really was quite workable ah.. Regret ah... And now at this stage 2 coming, I wouldn't dare work as hard or fix many appts..for fear of everything..

God, I pray to you tat u continue to guide us in this journey.. Tat you guard my emotions, bless me with the nice pple to meet for my work so tat I can still work and continue to provide for the household. Lord, I pray tat I will have peace in our hearts and I pray tat U will guide William in his biz too. Lord I thank you for William and joy in my life, and I pray that you give them good health. In Jesus name I pray,
- Amen -

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