Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Day I Drew Blood..

Sounds gross right... haha.. but it really happened! Had my first trial of injecting the 2nd kind of medication (Puregon), which comes with a Puregon pen lookalike thing used to do the injections. Dont know why, but after the injection, there were droplets of blood.. hmm, well, the only thing I can conclude is either I've poked into my vein accidentally or this Puregon pen is not as friendly as my first injection. To my first conclusion, I was kinda happy.. coz to think that I've poked myself for >15 days and this was the first time I hit the vein, I thank God ah.. haha.. In fact, was just chatting with one of my church friends on Sunday and she asked if I had blueblacks all over my tummy, which I told her no, I didnt. Cause her friend who was doing IVF some time back, was aways hit with blueblacks / brusies. Which it then daunted upon me that, I rem reading somewhere that it's quite common. But God had protected me from more suffering, which I'm juz simply grateful and counting the little blessings. =)

Oh, did a rough calculation and I should be doing my egg retrieval next week!!! Arrrhhhhh! So fast!?? It just seem y'day when I was still deciding if I should be doing it, and next week would be the estimated ER? OMG! Kinda feel excited at the thought of it.. and hopefully if all else is smooth in God's plan, we will complete this cycle by end of Aug and we will know the result by mid Sept..

Just taking my time to enjoy my me time at home, and count the little blessings. =)

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