Penning my thoughts after my solo convention. Decided to go for the convention on my own, coz there were quite a few of my advisers who qualified for the first time. And I wanted to be there with them, despite the fact that William can’t come along.
I got home sick even before the trip started. The hormones just hit me as I embarked on my >20hrs journey. Cried myself silly that the airline crew came to ask how was I when they noticed that I hardly touched my food. They probably saw the tears and offered me some KitKat! Hahaha.. that was really sweet of them.
But despite the homesick, the companionship was awesome. Met new friends, got to know some existing ones even better.
This is the irony of a convention I guess. If I had brought my family along, I wouldn’t have been that home sick, but that would mean I wouldn’t have been to hang out so much with my new found awesome traveling kakis.
I never thought I would show my vulnerability to people other than JM & J. But here I am happy to forge deeper relationships with these two.
I didn’t realize how much I’m going to miss the time we spent together until I started penning this. This trip must have been a gift from God, who send these 3 angels here, so that I could enjoy myself fully as an individual, as me, not mama choo..

Doing a mask on the plane and missing the nights where we chatted and put on masks! We probably did more masks for the whole of this week compared to the last 1yr.
Looking back at my Mexico photos, I realize we didn’t take that much pictures together. But the memories will always stay with me. Thankful for new found friends. Thankful for stepping out and trying something different.Thank God for everything!