Friday, May 17, 2024


Been feeling easily irritated with Uncle Pig recently. It's like the little bit of things will be able to spark and turn into a forest fire.

Our recent JB trip almost U-turn coz on the trip there, he said something like "I thought you would have done xxx" & "I thought you meant withdrawing monies in Msia & not withdrawing in SG and bring them to change" which triggered me. 

My POV: 

1) Shouldn't you clarify?

2) Why didn't you remind me?

But of coz, if I had said that right at that moment, it would progress to a U-turn. No doubt.

And if we had really U-turn, I would have missed out on the surprise he planted!

What did I say such that I made my point, yet there wasn't an explosion? (Coz 我也不是好欺负的!)

I simply told him as a matter of fact, why and how I was offended by his choice of words, after he parked his car at the dim sum breakfast place. He nodded, and we went for breakfast. No WWIII

And then it happened again the following day. Same style. Same man. 

Scene: Zoo Excursion

Act 1: Asked him if he needed anything in the car & he said no need. Said I could bring an umbrella for myself if i wanted (if its too sunny / raining) .

I didn't coz I didn't know where the umbrella was.

Act 2: Starts drizzling halfway in the zoo

Me: Did you bring an umbrella for joash?

Him: I ask you to bring.

Triggered 了咯.. 他没有错可是他说的也不对.. I got slightly frustrated coz the zoo is an open space, and no raincoat/ umbrella means die liao..

Drizzle soon turned into heavy thunderstom.

This happened next. He just scooped Joash and ran, making sure I followed too. 

Just moments before, I was still angry with him. I laughed at my childish behaviour.

This is my man that doesn't always have the right words, but one who I can always rely on, in times of need/emergencies.

This is him bringing Joash to join the rest of the group after the rain finally stopped. I had to leave earlier to pick the twins up.

Ever so thankful for the MVP in my life. There is no perfect man in the world. But he is good enough for me. 谢谢你.

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