Thursday, December 28, 2023

Reflections 2023

Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.”
‭‭Galatians‬ ‭6‬:‭10‬ ‭NIV‬‬

This verse came at the right time, when I was questioning myself what I shall do for 2024, and why I wanna do what I’m doing. 

A conversation with another adviser today reminded me of the core values/ reasons why I wanted to step up. And what my driving motivation will be. It was mainly to educate and enhance their skill sets so that each of them will be able to be more confident in front of their clients. My objective is to up their skills, something I lost direction of in the midst of the few mths. lol… and WHY im doing this is simply to PAY IT FORWARD. 

2024 I hope I stay grounded in my core values. That I wouldn’t look left and right and be the fomo manager who wanna do 101 things and lose sight of what is most impt. People who decided to join me, didn’t join me bcoz I was a fun person to be with, or bcoz I was good at arranging for team bonding activities. They joined bcoz they wanted to know what I have in my skills bag, and as long as I continue to just share what I do generally for my own clients, and if they follow suit, then they should be fine too. Those who decide not to, no matter what I do, they wouldn’t. So I shan’t let them affect me too. 

Mind blowing revelation at 143am.. 

Even though it’s a Sleepless night again. 

Not sure if it was bcoz of the kopi O at 2pm, or was it the fact that this is the last week of the yr and I’ve finally going to have some rest etc.. 

I only have a morning zoom on Fri and That’s it for 2023. What an eventful 2023. So many things I thought not do-able, I’ve managed to step out of my comfort zone to try. I don’t dare say I’ve excelled in all, but at least I’ve tried. I do hope that by this time next yr, I can confidently say that my babies haven’t made the wrong choice in choosing me.. hahaha.. 

Perhaps I should start doing my reflections for 2023 since I’m still wide awake. 

Reflections 2023

1) Work
- I don’t have the final sales figures yet, but I think it should be abt 600 apples thereabouts. Not too bad, considering that we transited in Jul plus I had the extra exciting role. 

2) Weight 
- I gained weight .. haiz.. the gym made me eat more. I’m back to my weight in jul 2022.. sian.. I do hope that I’ll go back to the gym in 2024 and probably cut down on my traveling. 
- traveling makes my work schedule haywire, and makes me reluctant to head to the gym too.. hahaha.. excuses but ya.. 

3) Family 
- relationships w vera definitely got better. The occasional “math with mama” definitely helped improve both her math plus our r/s. Thank god! Next yr she has requested for math tuition at the centre so I’m thankful that it’s not entirely up to me to coach. 
-  Joash is definitely starting to have his tantrums and challenges. In fact just a few days ago, I was thinking.. if we hadn’t had him, I wouldn’t need to keep having a headache on if I should encash my work trips or bring the two men along etc. But I know God has his reasons for giving us 4 kids and it’s a blessing that I’m grateful for. 
- the two older kids are more reliable and 让我很放心。
- Hopefully 2024 I’ll try to make time for each of them again. 

That shall be it for now coz 周公终于来找我了. Good night !

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