Wednesday, October 25, 2023


Going to be so screwed later coz I woke up at 4plus to pee and couldn’t go back to zzz 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

End up checking out my cart of diapers, milk formula and a phone for the teenager.

Sleepless nights happen for the weirdest reasons; stressed/too free (so can always nap in the afternoon); need to speak in public etc.. not that I need to exercise my mouth anytime soon..

Crawled to gym and weighed in today. Damn.. didn’t lose any weight. Told MT that either she sees me exercising and my weight stays the same or she don’t see me but I eat clean and weight drops. Hahahaha.. I keep reminding myself not to revenge eat, but somehow food and I are magnets. If I don’t eat, I’ll be grouchy. Fun fact 

Going to take a nap for now. 

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