Thursday, June 2, 2022

Documenting small wins (part 2)

Last night over dinner, vera was upset. Coz she went to shower and we started dinner without her. She was clearly upset. 

This morning while I was brushing her hair, I took the chance to talk about last night again. I asked her if she was upset bcoz we didn’t wait for her and she nodded. I apologise for our mistake and told her that we will try to wait for everyone moving forward. She didn’t fuss much during brushing hair today, to which I’m thankful. I promised to tie her favourite hairstyle for her today coz she has church. 

Some kids are better with expressing themselves but clearly vera is not one of them. It takes a lot from her to even verbal simple things that I’ve taken for granted; or never noticed. And her “childish acts” were all cues for attention; like “ MAMA!! Look at me! I need you NOW!” 

I can’t say that I’m an expert now but I hope that God give me the patience to pay attention to her needs and cues; and wisdom to balance my time among the kids. Coz as much as I wanna spot all her cues and episodes; Grace is brewing an episode on her own when she feels that mama is always talking to vera. 

God, give me the wisdom and patience to manage it all. I know my limitations but I pray that U help me pull thru it all.

Wanna also thank my therapist friend, Shu, for pointing out to me. I always thought that Vera was being difficult; that she is here to “bully” me. But in fact, she’s just different. Her ways of expressing herself is different compared to her siblings. Parenting isn’t a one size fits all, but I believe that Love and patience will help improve it all.

May you be given more and more of God’s kindness, peace, and love. - Jude 1:2 TLB

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