Wednesday, December 23, 2020

And so began our crazy adventure to tiong bahru Market.. its 715am now and we are here.. im in a queue for bf..but not for lor mee.. bcoz 
Its aren't open..😭😭😭

Oh well. Nonetheless I'm still feeling touched and delighted that William suggested this.. its nice to have some couple time together, even if its just for a short bf..before we go home and resume our parent duties.. 
breakfast For today..

Woke up with a sprained left shoulder and body aching all over.. the choos (except vera) went bowling yday; something that i haven't done for yrs. We all had fun doing some activities other than eating. Hahaha.. promised to bring them again next week.. but I probably rest it out for the next session..

Sunday, December 20, 2020


Booked one to one sessions with each of the girls this week becoz I was feeling guilty for the lack of activities with them personally. Vera chose to do baking bcoz none of the bakers at home want to teach her.. so I went with to be honest I was abit scare bcoz its 4 hrs and I'm not sure if I could have the stamina to last throughout the session but thankfully, she did most of it.. really..
The sponge cake and butter cream were prepared before hand; while the gingerbread dough were made in class by the chef. We needed to shape and decorate the cookies ; assemble the cake and cream; decorate it. It seems a lot easier when I hear the tasks we needed to do (at the start of the class); but by the halfway mark, I was dead exhausted. Thankfully my little baker did most of it ah.. I have neither the interest nor the talent for it. Hahah.. but I enjoyed my time with her..just watching her do her best to follow the instructions etc.. 
For Grace, she wasn't keen on baking or painting. She just wanted time with mama all by herself. So I brought her to watch Wonder Women since it was her fav superhero and we finally get to watch a non- Marvel film after so long. 

breakfast was at slappy cakes; followed by some Xmas shopping before we headed for the movies. It was her first time taking Gold Class! 
I haven't been to Gold class for a long while and have forgotten how comfortable it was a treat that she enjoyed very much and spend the next 2 days bragging to her sisters how enjoyable the whole movie treat was.. I was just glad she didn't cry midway the movie and wanted to escape from it. (Trust me, it happens to her 90% of the time)

It was nice just chilling with her; holding her hands while we chatted.. we didn't take much photos but I now know why and how she first started to know about WW. She read a story book about Ww in the library and loved it since then. She could easily explain some parts of the storyline (which was similar to the book), to me. I also know that im her one and only BFF, though I hope she would expand her list one day. 

Though exhausting, it was pretty satisfying to know a little bit more abt the girls individually. Will be Joy's turn next week.. to be updated..

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Its so nice to have an extra pair of hands

Our helper arrived last mon - almost 2 mths after we applied for one; having fulfilled her 14 days SHN plus medical check ups etc .. 

It must have been too long since our last helper left, that I've forgotten how nice it is to have someone magically wash the dishes, wash and iron all the clothes.. hahaha.. uncle pig enjoys cooking much better now coz he can have a peaceful dinner with us and spend some tv time with us while the helper does the washing.. haha.. while for Joy and I, we are quietly happy that we can keep wearing our favourite clothes over and over again instead of searching it in the pile of "to be ironed clothes"..not forgetting that we have fruits already cut in the fridge.. hahaha.. I know I'm hopeless but its so nice that I'm able to have ready cut watermelon for tea instead of wondering when it will be served.. hahahah.. 

Told William that we should have gotten help much earlier but he reminded me again that it could have gone either way. Especially since our previous helper became such an essential part of our oh well, for now I'm thankful for the extra help at home..even though the helper doesn't seem to b great with kids..which is entirely fine..haha.. just make my house sparkle clean and I'm happy enough. Thankful!

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Week 13 update

Taken at week 12 during Oscar scan 

To be honest, when I went for the scan last week, I was (pleasantly) surprised that the heartbeat is still beating. I was certain 小豆豆 had left bcoz I suffered some cramps just a few days before..but I didn't want to cause any panic to william and kept quiet. 

Each time my friends ask me, my usual reply would b " baby is still here .. (thankfully)" .. they think I'm joking and not being serious. But to be honest, I'm not confident. I hear too many stories and probably do too many claims to know that being able to deliver thr baby at full term without complications is no mean feat. And I just wanna be thankful for each day that 小豆豆 is still here with me. 

I'm thankful also for the sweetest friends I have.. friends who send sweet messages to comfort me when I'm down; friends who send surprise snacks over for me to tide my hunger/ cravings.. I felt so loved during this pregnancy. And I know I'm blessed. I'm trying to be as optimistic as I can, but it aren't easy either.. 😆 

Well below are my pregnancy symptoms 

1) Morning sickness / nausea 
- its finally settling down..or probably I've caught the pattern.. I know that a good 姜母茶 wil help me if im really feeling terrible. And I try to eat every 2-3 hrs just to make sure the stomach isn't empty

2) work
- I've started to work a bit..yeah.. else at this rate I wil feel so useless.. lol.. bit by bit but ill get there 

3) exercise 
- I did some swimming with the twins yday. It was good to have some energy to spend time with them; doing what they like..instead of always cooping at home. Hopefully I can get back to exercising more 

4) weight gain 
I've gain abt 3kg since the start of this pregnancy 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
I kbow that William and joy has gained 6 and 4kg respectively.. lol..not sure abt the twins.. at this rate william going to gain back what he has shed ! Lol.. 

5) Cravings 
- this is definitely William's taste that i previously would never eat, have since brought me joy when I was 🤢
While milk like my fav korean banana milk..I haven't been able to drink it anymore 😭
My favourite type of coffee is no longer dalgona or cappuccino but kopi O iced ! 
Each time william asked me what would I like for lunch / dinner, my typical reply back to him nowadays would b.. what would u like sir? Hahahaha.. 

Thankful for the sweet 🎁 that im carrying now..  praying that God pulls us thru it all this journey. Praying that I would try to face each day with positivity bocz P.A.C.E