Tuesday, November 19, 2019



The Choos are out in tow to bring me everywhere for my appts today. It was not intended to be this way initially. I had only planned to spend the morning with them at home while william head over to the old house to settle some stuff. But he was delayed and by the time he was done, I had to zip down to novena for my 1pm appt. He offered to drive me down bcoz if I drove, I probably need a lot more time. And thus began the start of the "tour". 

I feel bad when they travel alongside with me for my appts. I feel like its wasting their time. But uncle choo always feel that its impt to let them know that 妈妈赚钱辛苦, and that's the least he could do so (driving me around) so that I could just concentrate on the appts itself and not worry abt parking; traffic etc.. 

The novena appt ended on time and I'm now at parkway parade waiting for my 3pm appt. The kids and papa choo are somewhere in this mall. The girls are equipped with their story books and entertainment. Hopefully this appt end early and I can drop them all home before going for my last appt. 

Very thankful that they are here with me, that they have grown to understand that this is part of my work. Probably treat them to bubble tea later.. hahaha.. looking forward to our holiday! Yeah!

Friday, November 15, 2019

This is me and my llao llao.. ever since they opened an outlet at sengkang, I know I can kiss my clean eating goodbye. 

Appt kena shifted to 1 hr later, so the glutton me decided to stop here for my afternoon snacks before heading there. After all, I had cried my eyes out with my morning squabble with uncle choo..

That's what we humans do right..  whenever we wanna win or feel right..  we think of reasons to support our cause.. 

I feel like a goldfish with my eyes swollen from the morning showers.. tired and sleepy... 

The sugar treat didnt do much to lift my spirits. Should have gotten 幸福堂 instead.. lol.. feeling tired and crappy.. praying that God gives me wisdom and strength to carry on for the appt.. 

The PSLE results would b out by next week (finally). Praying for clarity, that God plant Joy in the right school for her, and with that, the right place for us to shift to.. in Jesus name I pray, Amen!

Thursday, November 7, 2019

A heart filled with thankfulness

I burst out laughing @ "one big round".. hahahah.. after all, I've tried to convince them that I should/deserve to eat kfc today..hahaha..but oh well, they are da best..so blessed to have both of them as my BFFs.. each time I feel down or tempted to eat crazy calories, they are here to cheer me up and stop me to do things I probably regret when the mind is clear. 

It has been a crazy Oct and I'm exhausted even before Nov ends. Thankful for such blessings in my life; William is bringing the girls to chinatown to have dinner with me just so that we could have dinner tog right after my appt.. my heart is so full with blessings and Thanksgiving.

Anxiety weighs down the heart, but a kind word cheers it up.
Proverbs 12:25 NIV