Monday, October 21, 2019

Morning me

And we made it in time (714am) to school today! Yeah! Praise the Lord! Missed the alarm at 6am and only woke up at 635 by the helper vacuuming noise. So thankful that the twins managed to get ready in double quick time. Though there was some traffic along the way, I'm glad that we managed to arrive in time.

Enjoying my breakfast at Hong Lim now. The osaka team are on the plane back to sg! Yeah! It feels so long that they are away. Haven't been able to zzz well since we camped at my mama place after the cruise. The body is sleepy but mind is too awake... hopefully things will get better when they are back!

Haven't been so close to the twins for so long. We showered together; slept together and chatted before we zzz.. there was a little drama during the sleeping time yday and both vera and I cried for stupid reasons. I was hurt by her remarks but oh well.. I guess it's part of parenting. There were episodes being replayed in my mind, exploding or scolding/bulldozing my way thru. But I didnt. I was tempted. (Haha!) She is lucky to b my 3rd kid where I've mellowed so much in my parenting style. I've learnt to exercise control with my temper/anger mgmt. I've learnt to empathise more and expect less. I've learnt so much from these girls, to which I'm thankful for. 

Today's mad rush made me realize how much william does for the girls in the morning..coz I'm usually still in Lalaland when they leave for school. Probably should do this once a while.. prepare bf for them, bring them to school etc and let the man sleep in..hahaha..  

Wanna try to squeeze in a trip for the 2 of us before the end of the year.. hahaha.. but our schedules are pretty packed.. shall see how.. there is HKK in dec for the entire village too.. which the girls are so looking forward to.

We are going IKEA for lunch later just bcoz the twins loved it.  Hahaha..

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