Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Lena @ work

Have been trying so desperately to nap for the past hr but the brain is so active while the body is half

Today has been a purposeful day coz I did the dishes voluntarily when I came home..haha..its nothing big to announce, but in my world, it is an achievement unlocked (coz dishes is one of my hated chores). Have been making a deliberate attempt to do the dishes this week just bcoz. No expectations. Just doing it so that the man has 1 less task to do in his mountain of chores. It's part of my own self improvement list that I hope to achieve, and it does help make me feel better when I think in this perspective.

Went for 3 appts at 830am; 1030 and 1230. Going for another 2 tonight at 7pm and 830. Thus both J and my man has been pushing me home to catch a nap before my evening appts. I enjoy having appts in the morning not bcoz I'm a morning person but bcoz I prefer to keep my evenings free for family or other client appts that cant make it otherwise.

Thankful that this week has been a packed week. I still very much enjoy the work I do, thankfully. Went for the mdrt conference that day and one of the speakers said this which I find v meaningful.

"The purpose of what you are doing must be bigger than yr pain. If you see no purpose, then it is meaningless"

Indeed, it made me remember of my initial purpose of being an adviser, Why I join and why I still feel necessary for everyone (rich or poor) to look at financial planning.

Gotten crawl out of bed to prepare for my evening appts. May God grant me the wisdom and energy to go thru the evening appts.. amen!

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