Thursday, April 18, 2019

Norway/ Denmark

Enjoying my cup of coffee while waiting for my next appt.. its relaxing and I'm thankful for it. To be able to enjoy the peace, the coffee and just simply listening to the music.

I've been back since Saturday. The weather was so cold in Norway and Denmark that I was literally buying winter clothes every other day while I was there. There were only 2 things worth buying there - strawberries and winter clothes.

* Bergen; Norway. Pretty mama and me with my new trench coat 

The rest of the things either cost more or could b purchased here at the same price. Such was the result of globalization. We saw many hand knitted sweaters/ souvenirs in Norway but they were so expensive that the practical me wont be able to differentiate it over a "made-in-china" equivalent. Sad truth of globalization.



*while waiting to enter the restaurant. We had to take a boat to a private island for this lunch, which was my best meal for the whole trip. Hahahaha.. 


Having been on so many trips, the conclusion is that most places (europe) looks the same. It's the people that matters and I'm glad that everywhere we go, we are always a big group. I didn't need to worry abt sharing a table with strangers or engaging in meaningless small talk.. my mama is the social one who knows more people on the trip than me. There was once when she was talking to some other adviser and that person commented that she has seen my mama before on previous trips, but she has never seen me ya, mama is the qualifier while I'm the AP. Hahahahaha..  but I'm not complaining. .

*this was a surprise.. sakura!

*more sakura

* with my pretty 小师妹

*all photos were courtesy of my friendly colleagues who were so good at taking IG-worthy photos that I decided just to be thick skinned and ask them take for me throughout the trip..hahahaha

And so the 1 week trip ended faster than I thought. Didn't experience any jet lag on either legs for which I'm most thankful for. The flights were so comfortable, mainly bcoz mama paid for the biz class upgrades.. first trip where I was sleeping most of the time on the plane..

I'm looking forward to the Vancouver trip in June with William..  its scary to think of the many trips I'm having this yr but let's just enjoy the moment and let whatever happens, happens

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