Monday, November 12, 2018

HK Trip

And we are back..  from the magical land.. this was the last character photo that we took moments before we boarded the airport shuttle.

Did the twins enjoy it? Absolutely! For both William & I, it probably didn't seem that magical after coming here for so many times. It was also a pretty expensive experience to pay for.

The twins said that they wanna come again next yr bcoz since joy has been here twice (But I didn't correct them bcoz correction meant another Disneyland trip)

I was glad that the ratio was 1:1 bcoz they had different goals in mind. Vera wanted to take pictures with all the characters while Grace just wanted to cheong for all the ride. I did 4 roller coaster with her and another 4 iron man with her; not counting the other challenging rides.

Vera with princess Aurora aka sleeping beauty.

Mickey and Minnie was probably the longest queue.

The weather was beautiful and we also managed to take most of the rides in under 20mins of queuing, to which I'm thankful. Overall, the cost of spending in Disneyland is high. We only got some discounted tops which were going at 70% off. The one im wearing cost Only S$10. The normal price clothes were out of my reach.

Having ice cream after their many rides.

I also managed to meet up with my exchange program friend, Iris. We were both exchange students in a foreign land - NL, where she took really good care of me, who was too home sick during the initial weeks of the program. I was really thankful for her bcoz if not, I probably flew back home and had to retake all the papers in sg and miss my graduation.

Managed to spend the last day morning having dim sum and chatting away.
Both our families 

We also managed to take the HK flyer which was going at a great discount! HKD20 for adult and HKD10 for kids.
Vera was so happy to have taken this bcoz she has been nudging me to bring her to the one in sg but it was too expensive in my eyes.

Really glad that we manage to spend time with both of them and it's back to work before William and I go for our mini moon penang cruise. Really looking forward to that too.. Hahaha..  thankful for all the blessings that God has provided.

Dim sum @ 一点心 which was very affordable. Just had to be there early to skip the queue.

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