Thursday, November 29, 2018

Day 2-4

And the last few days passed by in a flash..if anything, I've been  sleeping at 10ish for the last few nights for which I'm grateful.

Had wanted to do Adventure Cove on Tuesday but the weather was cloudy. So we did plan B - slappy cakes !

They have been asking for it for the longest time but we were hesitant.. coz it's not cheap.. so this is one of the rare treats we gave this week.. 

They had a lot of fun..we spend 2hrs making pancakes there.. lol..

Headed for vivo for movies and took more pictures.. hahaha.. so nice..and free.. so we took a lot..

Grace with her fav princess - Cinderella..  she didn't get to take at Disneyland previously so was super thrilled to find this at toys r us..

And this is my fav characters ... hahahah.. pleasant surprise..

Had to go for the 1-for-1 Starbucks promo..hahaha.. and they were thrilled with their chocolate chip frappe.
#sugar overload

Went to ACW on wed and was blessed with a beautiful weather til 2pm when the park closed due to lightning. Both William and I were glad actually.. coz were feeling exhausted by then after taking so many many rides..

Came back and the car workshop called and say our car is ready (finally!!) And in good timing too.. means that we didn't need lug our luggage to take public when we check out on Fri.. hahaha..  thank God for the blessings..
The girls have been more cooperative for the last few days.. there were less bickering, to which I'm thankful .. going back home tom.. time flies.. hahah

Monday, November 26, 2018

Our staycation begins !

And so the long awaited week long staycation began today, right after a morning appt with a client and crawling back home to meet with the rest. We had lunch at compass one, before mr choo dropped us at the hotel to check-in. He needed to return the replacement car before crawling back.

I was feeling jittery when he left. Coz I always felt incompetent when I'm alone with the girls. It just seems that all things that could go wrong would happen when I'm alone with them. Or mayb they are just more obedient when their dad was around. Shortly after we got our room, the start of bickers happened. In order to keep them occupied, I suggested swimming. Joy prefer to stay in the room and enjoy her quiet time while i brought the twins to swim. Trust me, it's easier this way too..
Scorching weather.. omg.. Vera turned black after the swim..

Showered them and we had snacks. The man is still not back yet.. I kept tracking his GPS coz they were bickering here and there.. Haiz..  mayb this staycation is going to be longer than I thought..

Bought a box of "Joy" after dinner coz this would b our breakfast for tomorrow.. Joy was thrilled with it bcoz of the name. Told her that a box is so expensive.. and she retorted that she s priceless... 🤣

In happier times

WW2 broke out shortly after this pic. Both of us were tired that the girls weren't grateful for what they have etc.. so much so that Mr choo deflated the air bed and started packing. It breaks my heart when they start sobbing hard but if this is the message we need to send across, then let's get it done. Finally ironed out all and all are sleeping now.

Hopefully tomorrow will b easier..  May the Lord be with me and give me wisdom and patience, and may the Lord Grant us good weather for tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Giving thanks

I will give thanks to you, Lord , with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds. Psalm 9:1 NIV

Started this entry while waiting for my 4th appt of the beautiful God's words are..

The hectic work led to binge eating and craving for sugar.. omg...
Resting on the sofa at home now, ending my day with 5 appts.. it seems a lot but truth b told.. tomorrow I have 7!😲😲😲

Most of them are not revenue generating but bona fide..  updating my clients abt the coming changes affecting them in 2019. It's tiring but I know it's the right thing to do. The clients are appreciative. Praying that I will have the stamina to reach out to all who are affected. Praying for God's wisdom and strength to pull me thru bcoz there is a time constraint.

Friday, November 16, 2018

Life without wheels

The replacement car came yday (FINALLY!!), almost 1 mth since the accident happened. I thought I wouldn't say this but having gone car-less for 4 weeks, I've concluded that we probably need the car much more than I thought.

Though it is still a lot easier to commute by public to office and a  few places, there are also a couple of places where car-less is an issue. E.g. picking up Grace mid day from her childcare for her kkh follow ups or when she had the high fever a few days ago and had to be picked up...we try to take public (not cabs) most of the time and let the kids experience what life is without a car.

The car repairs are still in the midst of it. If we are fortunate, we would be able to see her before 2019.

Nevertheless, this encounter has at least confirm that we are still car-dependent, at least til it expires. I hope it also allow the girls to appreciate the "tiny" car they have, (Coz they were pretty upset when we downgraded to this car) coz it beats having no car. Probably will aim to go car-lite and hopefully we can achieve car-less by the next cycle.

P/s: the replacement car is only for 10 days before we go back to normal. But at least we can finally bring the newspapers to Ikea for recycling; gigi to the vet; return the luggage to my mama and I have a packed working week so the car will come in handy.. thankful!

Looking forward to our staycation with the kids end Nov and our mini moon in Dec!

P1 Orientation

一眨眼今天是小朱们的 P1 orientation. 感觉时间真的过的好快,仿佛昨天我们才和乐萱来参加她的 P1 orientation.  现在的她已经小五了,很早就到学校准备今天的活动。看到今天的她,我很感动,也很感谢学校这些年对她的教育。

Yesterday Grace had a spike in fever at the late afternoon. We decided to bring her to kkh (just to make sure) and Joy took up the task of bringing Vera out for dinner. When we got back, they had already had their dinner, bought breakfast for the next day and even showered. Vera even told me that when they reached the coffeeshop, she suddenly had to poop. Joy had to bring her to the toilet, ask for tissue paper from a stranger (coz they didn't bring) and rushed back to the coffeeshop to jaga the food in case the cleaner kept it away. I was shocked that the small task turned out to be an adventure. Both of them didn't think too much of it, but me the emo mama, couldn't help but be proud of both of them.

Thankful for the many blessings that the Lord has showered upon our family. And may the twins enjoy their next phrase of life as much as their big jiejie.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

High tea

We celebrated JM bday last week at my favourite high tea place. A pity that it's the Xmas food edition and it just wasn't as nice as their normal collection.


Wishing you a blessed bday and may you always be healthy and happy with yr loved ones !

Monday, November 12, 2018

HK Trip

And we are back..  from the magical land.. this was the last character photo that we took moments before we boarded the airport shuttle.

Did the twins enjoy it? Absolutely! For both William & I, it probably didn't seem that magical after coming here for so many times. It was also a pretty expensive experience to pay for.

The twins said that they wanna come again next yr bcoz since joy has been here twice (But I didn't correct them bcoz correction meant another Disneyland trip)

I was glad that the ratio was 1:1 bcoz they had different goals in mind. Vera wanted to take pictures with all the characters while Grace just wanted to cheong for all the ride. I did 4 roller coaster with her and another 4 iron man with her; not counting the other challenging rides.

Vera with princess Aurora aka sleeping beauty.

Mickey and Minnie was probably the longest queue.

The weather was beautiful and we also managed to take most of the rides in under 20mins of queuing, to which I'm thankful. Overall, the cost of spending in Disneyland is high. We only got some discounted tops which were going at 70% off. The one im wearing cost Only S$10. The normal price clothes were out of my reach.

Having ice cream after their many rides.

I also managed to meet up with my exchange program friend, Iris. We were both exchange students in a foreign land - NL, where she took really good care of me, who was too home sick during the initial weeks of the program. I was really thankful for her bcoz if not, I probably flew back home and had to retake all the papers in sg and miss my graduation.

Managed to spend the last day morning having dim sum and chatting away.
Both our families 

We also managed to take the HK flyer which was going at a great discount! HKD20 for adult and HKD10 for kids.
Vera was so happy to have taken this bcoz she has been nudging me to bring her to the one in sg but it was too expensive in my eyes.

Really glad that we manage to spend time with both of them and it's back to work before William and I go for our mini moon penang cruise. Really looking forward to that too.. Hahaha..  thankful for all the blessings that God has provided.

Dim sum @ 一点心 which was very affordable. Just had to be there early to skip the queue.