Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Happy Labour Day!

What are the choos doing this Labour day? When the twins are down with flu and Joy is busy preparing for her SA1...

Spring cleaning !

In particular- twins section..  hahaha.. coz they haven't been keeping their stuff properly.. e.g. their pencils are kept one corner here another one at another corner.. 4 jackets on their bed and many many of their toys on it..

This is the start .. and this is not even counting the recent big load of presents that they received for their bday.. need to keep it neat and tidy before they can start playing with their new toys. .

Halfway thru... house in a mess.. hahaha..
Kids are losing steam.. Hahaha .. but we will get thru it !

2 points to Vera for finding the missing "dolphin" and "cube"! One of the ways to keep them motivated in the midst of their "treasure hunt".

This is almost the end of round 2; with papa choo helping out with most of it while I go thru the revision with Joy.. (thank God I'm still useful..haha!)

Round 3: room
The new toys that they have gotten and This is not even the whole of it.. that's why I always say my kids have TOO much toys.. Grace asked me that day why they haven't received any presents fr us yet and we told them that their present was the Mac party simply bcoz they have too many toys that's just sitting there..

Labourer @ work..  between the 2 of them, Vera is the more hardworking person when it comes to housework.. Grace will try all means to "siam" or eat snake..

The amt of hidden "treasures" they have in their bedroom is astonishing. . Papa choo is pissed.. how can 3 girls b so messy? Omg.. 

The mattresses lying in the living room while papa choo cleared up the rest of their bedroom..

Time : 5pm
Finally cleared out their bedroom, washed and dried 2 loads and changed their bedsheets, which is in the 3rd load of washing now .. Papa choo says going to b iron man tonight.. 

Gotta pick joy from tuition in another half hr time.. dinner and the end of today..  Hahaha.. I'm exhausted even though I haven't really done much..  just enjoying 5 mins of peace while the twins play by themselves.. #thankful

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